Jealousy Is Love (Shibufyo)

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Word count: 6666

Warnings: NSFW, mentions of torture

Romantic - Shibusawa x Fyodor

Platonic- Shibusawa x Atsushi


  Fyodor sat at a small table, a circular one made of crystal. The chair he sat on was made of crystal as well, though was accompanied with cushioning as to not make sitting there uncomfortable. As a matter of fact, it was quite comfortable. His favorite place to sit, actually. He read a book, though found his mind would wander off every so often, requiring him to start the page all over again. At first it had been amusing, but it kept happening and he wasn't progressing in the book at all. It became annoying and irritating. He focused his eyes and decided to read the words of the book out loud, to engrave them into his mind so it couldn't wander elsewhere.

  There had been quite the amount of things going on, and he was glad to focus on reading. He, Shibusawa and Dazai had all.. "teamed up". However, in request of Dazai (for compensation of his cooperation), he'd requested Chuuya as his captive. But, Dazai and Chuuya were both put under a type of torture for disobeying rules. And then they trusted Akutagawa, who even tortured Chuuya in front of Dazai to gain their trust. A trust quickly broken, as Akutagawa freed both Dazai and Chuuya. And the three of them fled, fleeing to an apocalyptic city. Shibusawa's ability wasn't going away any time soon. They just had to.. live with it.

  And now Shibusawa had gone out. For what? An errand, but of what sort? Fyodor remembered the last time he went on an errand, he brought back Dazai. He couldn't explain it, and wasn't even sure as to why, but he had a fiery hatred for that brunette. He hated every time he'd make a depreciating joke to Fyodor, hated every time Shibusawa found anything he said so interesting he'd lean in slightly to head, hated that Shibusawa would pay more attention to Dazai in order to make sure he didn't break any rules.

  Fyodor finished the page, and as he did, he heard the doors to the large base open. He slipped a book mark in between the page he'd finished and the next, and closed the book. He set the book down and looked over, less than pleased. "I see you've gotten a new captive?" He raised an eyebrow. Shibusawa walked in, closing the door behind him. Atsushi. A very depressed Atsushi, at that. "..He's a captive." He repeated, and Shibusawa says nothing and smiled. "Right?" Fyodor felt his hand twitch.

  "Atsushi is to be working along side us now. He's experienced immense heartbreak." A heartbreak Shibusawa had manipulated him into feeling, of course. Making him believe Akutagawa would so easily leave him for anything else. In fact, Akutagawa had denied Atsushi any reassurance the two could try and live a normal life now without abilities or organizations. And even spoke of returning to the mafia. Atsushi went to the bathroom, trying to clean the distress off of his face. And oh, Shibusawa had found him there.

  Atsushi stared dejected at the floor. Shibusawa brushed some hair out of Atsushi's face. The weretiger gently titled his head away from the dragon's touch, making the rat want to bite in response. But the rat held his tongue. Fyodor watched as Shibusawa physically comforted Atsushi with soft pets and rubs. And Atsushi wasn't so used to them, so he would tilt away just slightly. Pathetic cat. You're lucky Shibusawa's looking at you, let alone gracing you with his touch. Oh. Wherever did such a thought come from?

  "I will return his ability to him. He will accompany us in world domination. We are all he has left." Shibusawa informed the Russian.

  "If you will it so, then so be it." Fyodor stated. The glare he shot the boy, who didn't see, didn't go unnoticed by Shibusawa. Oh dear.. Shibusawa found it quite amusing, such a murderous look on the Russian's face. And for whom? A heartbroken, run down cat left in the rain who was theirs to parent? How funny.

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