Forgive Me, Lord (Dazatsu)

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Word count: 2500
Warnings: NSFW
Mythical AU !

!!!!! In this AU demons can't do anything without permission to humans. The person has to want it and be okay with it. That's why at one point Dazai doesn't ask, as they have a mutual understanding. Then at some point Atsushi had doubts and that when dazai asks for permission.


Atsushi panted heavily, and he ran to the large metal doors of the church. He pulled and yanked at the large metal handles, but the door wouldn't budge. He pushed and shoved and kick and banged on it with all of his might. But no one heard, and no one would come to save him. At the sound of a dark chuckle echoing through the halls of the church, that were dimly lit by candle light, he turned, back against the door. Panicking, his eyes darted across all of the rooms. And he barely made eye contact with red, devilish eyes before he ran into one, and looked around desperately for a hiding place.


Atsushi gasped, lifting his head and opening his eyes. What time was it..? He had been praying for hours. He looked at the clock, and tilted his head. Ah- it was far past the time he was supposed to go home. But none of the priests or nuns came to get him. He wondered why not..? Well, he could just find whoever would be keeping the grounds at night and then leave.. right? Well, he wished. But something had sung out his name in such a chilling yet alluring way.

Atsushi rose to his feet, swallowing thickly. He had heard from some of the nuns and priests that- there was a demon who dare stepped foot into the house of their god. But.. according to them, it only happened at night, and with one person present in the church. He had thought it had been a rumor. He'd been asked to stay and keep the grounds this very night, actually. But he had declined the offer. He had sermons to plan, and besides, if this demon was real he would also need to find an exorcist.

Atsushi grabbed a wooden torch, the light still on it, and carefully made his way out of the main hall of the church. He glanced around, and saw no one within the church. No breathing, no footsteps. His heart sunk and he knew that he'd been left alone in here. They must've taken advantage of the time that he'd been praying, so they could slip out and leave him locked in here for the demon. He sped walked to the door, and grabbed the handle, pulling. Nothing. The door didn't budge. It was locked. He'd been locked inside.

Atsushi whimpered quietly to himself, but was quick to calm down. It's alright, he thins to himself. Just pray.. you don't even know if this demon is real. He took a small breath and headed back to where he'd been praying. He had probably been alone for about an hour, and only heard his name from the darkness once. Perhaps praying would protect him. He set down the torch back where it was, and knelt down at the bottom of the steps of the alter.

He bowed his head, putting his hands together. His heart was pounding against his chest, and it was becoming difficult to remember prayers. But every time he could even muster up a beginning to a prayer, his mind would switch to the terrifying thought of a demon, lurking somewhere in the church. Waiting to pounce. "It's funny." Atsushi froze completely, and he swore his heart stopped at the sound of someone speaking in front of him, on the steps. His eyes opened, and they were wide as he lifted his head to see the face of the voice.

The demon was just as he had expected. Beautiful. He had brown hair, to black horns sticking out of the sides of his head, pointing back. He wore what looked like a black cloak that went from his neck to his waist. The way he was sitting, he could see that the black and tight leather pants the demon had on were connected to a corset around the waist. And he wore nothing but a fishnet long sleeve beneath the cloak. Odd attire for a demon. His tail was long, thin and dangerous. As black as his horns. His wings were feathery, like a birds. Not like a dragons, like Atsushi had bend lead to believe. And his eyes were a mischievous maroon color; a red. Such a look.. this was no mere demon. It clicked in his mind.

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