Drunk and In Love (Dazatsu)

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(Word count: 3043)

(Warnings: attempting sexual assault)

Don't be shy! Please leave feedback in the comments! It helps me improve how I write and motivates me to keep writing ^^


  "Ah- cmon!" Atsushi groaned as it began to rain. Not just rain- it was pouring outside. How obnoxious. He held his arms above his head and ran into the closest open facility. A bar. It wasn't too busy. Oh, how nice.

  Atsushi sighed quietly as he took a seat at the bar. "Can I get you something to drink?" The bartender asked with a smile. She had black hair in a ponytail, her eyes closed and she had a smile on her face. He wasn't sure why... but he got a sort of weird vibe from the female. Ah- who cares?

  "Ah.. do you have non alcoholic beverages?" Atsushi asked with a slight smile. He most definitely couldn't hold his liquor. One or two shots and he was absolutely gone. So, naturally, he wouldn't be getting any. It was obvious to anyone.

  "Sure! If you don't mind, I can let you try out one of my favorites." The lady hummed. It was a little odd. Her uniform didn't match some of the other bartenders, and she didn't have a name tag. But Ah- maybe she was a trainee that was new here? He'd certainly never seen her before a

  "Ah, I don't mind at all." Atsushi nodded and watched as she walked away with a smile. He turned his back to the counter and examined the bar.

  It had such a calming atmosphere. Quiet music played as he watched rain hit the window. He hated water but he loved the smell of rain. How funny. He hummed softly along with the tune of the song. His phone pinged. He tilted his head as he took it out. Ah- it was just Dazai.

  "Haha I bet you hate the water cuz ur a cat" was the effortless text that was sent.

  Atsushi sent a selfie with his unamused face, and texted "haha, very funny." He didn't find it too funny at all. Now he was all wet and cold.

  Left on seen? Oh well. Dazai honestly was unpredictable. He could've just opened his phone and was scheming up his next clever remark whilst he did. Or maybe he just suddenly didn't feel like responding, or was going to but got busy.

  Atsushi shut off his phone and slipped it in his pocket. He turned back to the counter as he heard the girl approach again. "Here you go!" She chimed as she pushed a glass of a drink to him.

  "What is it?" He asked curiously as he lifted the glass up.

  "I want you to try and guess. Go on. Try it!" She seemed really enthusiastic. She must really like the drink, it seemed.

  Well, if Atsushi were to properly guess, he would have to drink most of it to make sure he actually caught onto its flavor and such. He smiled and lifted the glass to his lips, tilting his head back drinking the whole thing. It tasted odd, but not too bad. But- still odd.

  "It tastes like..." he frowned as he placed the glass down, body drooping for a second before he tilted his head so much so there was no way his neck didn't hurt. "...mmm..."

  His eyebrows furrowed as his brain seemed to become fuzzy. Ah? What did it taste like? Why did it stump him so much? He tilted his head to the other side this time, humming softly. Hey... that's weird. Everything looked just- a teeny bit off. Hmm...

  "...youuuu..." Atsushi's word came out slurred as he rested his gaze on the woman who only smiled. She walked out from behind the counter. "...mmm.." he slumped forward, against her, ending up falling off the chair and into her arms.

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