The Need To Shed Blood (Shibufyo)

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Word count: 3402

Warnings: Slight NSFW, SA, transphobia


You have abandoned me here. Why?

Fyodor's fingers tightly curl around the cell bars, staring out into nothingness. His hands tremble with rage. Or.. no. Perhaps long ago it would have been rage, but now it was with sorrow. He had trusted this man with everyone. With his life, and with his love. Only for it to be used against him in such a cruel manner.

I was a wonderful partner.. I knew I could be lazy in bed.. but I always was so sweet to you. I made you food, I spoiled you, I-I trusted you with my vulnerability. Why would you do something like this? This is something I would do, if anything. Is that it? We're you scared of what the demon Fyodor Dostoyevsky would be capable of doing to you if he felt like it? Well, I never felt like it. This is cruel. Utterly cruel.

Fyodor yelped as a whip slashes across the fronts of his fingers, that were curled around the bar. He scurried back, his hands trembling with an aching sting as blood ran down them. A masked guard went back to standing still. Fyodor swallowed thickly, climbing onto the wooden rectangle suspended from the ceiling that was meant to be a bed. He cursed the day he had feelings and became human. Cursed the day he let himself fall in love with Tatsuhiko Shibusawa.


"What might these be for?" Fyodor asked with a little smile as handcuffs are placed on his wrists. "Is this a new kink?"

Shibusawa chuckled softly. "Sure." The response was a little odd. Shibusawa leaned his head down and connected his lips to Fyodor's neck and began to suck. He let a soft moan leave his lips at the action.

"You're quite forward tonight, my love." Fyodor smiled blissfully, leaning his head back and closing his eyes. Shibusawa chuckled lowly, sending shivers down the Russian's spine. He latched his lips onto so many different spots on his neck, earning sweet sweet noises from his beloved Fyodor.

Shibusawa's finger nails were not filed. Normally, they would be. Perhaps he was interested in tongue prepping..? He always filed them down before these activities, which is why Fyodor was so surprised at the suddenness of it. His fingers slid beneath Fyodor's pants, pulling them down as well as his boxers. He then stripped Fyodor of his shirt and binder. Fingers ran all over his body. Fyodor let out soft moans as he did so.

Shibusawa continued to mark up Fyodor, but his hands fixed his binder, and slid his shirt back on. Fyodor whimpered in confusion. "Quiet, love.." Shibusawa used that deep tone of voice that always made Fyodor melt. Fyodor nodded and closed his eyes, sighing softly as he was fully redressed.

Shibusawa pulled away from his neck and cupped his cheek. Then, the door opened. A bunch of men, all wearing tons of armor, faces unrecognizable. All armed. Fyodor's eyes widened. "Shibu.." The men walked close to the bed.

"You'll have to forgive me, my love." Shibusawa murmured softly. Fyodor frowned, very confused. An officer touched his arm, and his heart nearly stopped. My ability... why isn't it working? A quiet whimper left his lips, which would have never happened in front of strangers before he met Shibusawa.

"What did you do?" For the first time in his life, Fyodor was afraid. Shibusawa said nothing as the guards all grabbed Fyodor and he was detained. None of them gave a second glance to Shibusawa, who watched with a neutral face as Fyodor was dragged off.


Shibusawa humiliated him. No one ever viewed Fyodor as weak. Not until he was arrested, covered in hickeys, and had been heard moaning and whimpering. Perhaps a regular arrest would've been fine if he hadn't been put in such a vulnerable position.

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