24 Hours (Shibufyo)

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Word Count: 3389

Warning: NSFW


  Fyodor looked at the clock that had been ticking oh so obnoxiously in his ear. What time was it? Nine pm. He frowned. Normally.. Shibusawa would be here by now. Inviting him to his bed to make sweet love to him. That's what happened every time he filed down his nails. It was a sort of sign; You're going to have these fingers inside you one way or another.

  Well, Fyodor wondered if Shibusawa wanted Fyodor to meekly stand in his doorway saying nothing until he was noticed, as he did whenever he wanted love to be made to him. Shibusawa had always found his shyness on the subject quite amusing. Fyodor's pride wouldn't allow him to verbally initiate intimate activities.  Closed the book in his hand that he'd been reading, placing it on the table in front of him. He stood up from the chair that matched the table and began to walk down the hallways of the fortress, to Shibusawa's room.

  Fyodor poked his head in, seeing the white haired male at his desk, working. Fyodor leaned against the doorway and said nothing, cheeks slightly pink. About five minutes pass and Shibusawa doesn't notice him. Frowning, Fyodor steps into the room and shuts the door. The noise catches Shibusawa's attention. But unfortunately that attention consisted of a mere glance. "Ah, hello, Fyodor." He smiled softly before going back to working.

  Fyodor frowned at this and walked over to his desk. "Shibu." Fyodor gently played with Shibusawa's hair. "How.. much longer until you've finished with your work?" He decides to phrase. He knows that's not the question he should be asking; How much longer until you make love to me?

  "Around three hours or so." Shibusawa hummed. Fyodor stared at him in disbelief.

  "But by then it will be twelve. I can't wait that long." Fyodor frowned, bringing his hand up to his own chest, fingers curled. He feels as though Shibusawa had forgotten the flirty glance he'd given him while filing down his nails.

  "I don't recall you having trouble sleeping without me." Shibusawa has been caught up with work; he's oblivious. Concerned, he looks away to turn to face him. "Are you having night terrors? Sleeping problems?"

  Fyodor huffed and shook his head. "Neither." He crossed his arms. "..You.. promised me something earlier.." technically, Shibusawa did no such thing. But that look alone normally indicate it. Shibusawa thinks for a moment then remembers. He let out a warm chuckle that made Fyodor's face get pinker.

  "I see. Give me an hour, alright, dear?" He takes Fyodor's hand in his own and kissed the back of it before turning to go back to work. Fyodor nodded, and turned to go to the doorway. "Oh and, Fyodor." Shibusawa speaks again and Fyodor turned his head to look at him. "Don't relieve yourself." Shibusawa smirked as he continued his work.

  Fyodor's eyes widen as though offended or humiliated. He grumbled quietly to himself and stomped off to his own room, which he hardly resides in any more. He often sleeps in Shibusawa's room. This time was different though. Fyodor walked to his room and shut the door, and walked over to his bed. An hour goes by, and there's nothing.

  Fyodor groans as he lays down on his bed, staring up at the ceiling with an arm over his forehead. Why must you do this to me, my love? I enjoy the teasing undeniably, but I am only a man. There's only so much I can take. Fyodor wishes he grabbed Shibusawa's pillow before leaving the room. He huffed quietly and stands. Going to lock his bedroom door. He then walks to his closet and goes through a box near the back, pulling out two objects. A vibrator. And the remote belonging to the vibrator.

  Fyodor pulls down his pants and boxers, swallowing thickly. If Shibusawa finds out he directly disobeyed him... well, anyone would be scared. But the thought excited Fyodor. He pushes the toy inside his entrance and moans softly. It doesn't feel anywhere near as good as Shibusawa's dick, but it'll do. He turns it on at the lowest level, moaning softly again as a soft buzzing from the object signifies what he's feeling.

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