Chapter 1-Rain

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Trying to cover myself with the thin sweatshirt I have, the same one I've been wearing for 3 years.
The fabric is stretched, the color is faded, the string falling out, holes scattered throughout it.

The Seattle rain is freezing and I was trying to find a shop I can quickly step in for before I run home and not be late or my step dad will hurt me again.

I stepped into a shop, not looking at what it is until I see the shopping carts in front of me.

I'm at a grocery store.

My stomach growls looking at the food, I've barely eaten this week because as one of my punishments I don't get any food, like I ever get actual food in my house.

I walk around making sure no one sees me and head back to the aisle where I can grab a sandwich that is already pre made.

I look around to see no camera and no worker so I quickly take the sandwich and shove it in my pocket. I start walking down back to the door when a worker bumps into me which causes the sandwich to fly out

"Sorry" The worker said

He looks to see the sandwich on the floor and gave me a questioning look

I quickly grabbed it and ran out of the store. I push through the crowded street, the worker shouting at me.

I bumped into someone who is a lot taller and bulky than me. I fell on my ass and my sandwich flying into the street where a car ran over it

"Watch where you're going kid" the estranged man said

I wanted to snap back but if I did I get hurt.

"Sorry" I mumbled

I quickly got up and saw that the worker isn't looking for me anymore.

I checked my phone


My step dad is going to be home in 30 minutes and I'm almost 45 minutes away from home. I'm gonna get punished tonight.

I ran as fast as I could, rain was pelting down. I was freezing cold and my body was aching from my previous punishments. It's hard to breathe when your ribs are aching, whenever you try to take a deep breath you get a sharp burning pain.

I look at my broken iPhone 5 to see it was 5:47. I was late.

I attempted to open the door quietly, keyword attempt. The door created a squeaky noise which cause my step dad to wake up from his passed out state on the couch

"So my bastard of a step daughter decided to be late today" he said with a drunk slur

He got home 15 minutes ago and he's already drunk, probably drank before he came home.

"I'm sorry, it was raining really hard and I came home as-

A harsh slap came down, my cheek stinging with pain from his slap

Don't cry, it's not the first time he had done this

"I want dinner to be ready in 10 minutes" he yelled

10 minutes, I have no time

"now" he screamed

I ran to the kitchen and went through the cabinets to find something. It was pretty much empty besides a old box of pasta. I grabbed the water and started boiling it, hoping it will be ready in time.

I check the fridge to see some butter and leftover cheese. I grab that and make a cheese sauce since we don't have normal sauce.

After 5 minutes the water boiled and I put the pasta in, begging for it to be done in 5 minutes.

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