Chapter 45-Italy

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The flight to Italy wasn't the worst. I had ash with me who took my mind off and Tyler gave me Benadryl to fall asleep faster.

"So where do we stay in Italy? A hotel?" I questioned asking Tyler

"No, I have my own place. I travel to Italy a lot and it's easier to live in versus a hotel" he replied

"Is there a room for me?" I questioned

"Yes there is" he said

"Good" I replied. Lately Tyler and I are on good terms. We've gotten closer and he's been nicer since my biopsy. We aren't at the point where I call him dad but I'm not gonna pressure myself to. On the other hand, gio felt like an uncle I've wanted. Say uncle gio felt so natural instead of it being forced out of me

"Okay once we land we will head to the house and settle down for a bit then head to my parents place" he said

"Ok" I replied

"I had the fridge and pantry stocked with food you would like" he said

"Thank you" I replied

"Tyler, I'm crashing at yours" gio said

"What, no you're not" Tyler replied

"I'm not staying with mom and dad, if I go out they will question where and who I'm going with" he said

"Not my problem" Tyler replied looking at his phone.

"Skylar, please tell your dad to let me stay" gio begged giving me the puppy dog eyes

"What's the worst thing that can happen?" I questioned looking at Tyler

"Please" I said to Tyler giving him the puppy dog eyes just like how gio did

"Fine, i swear to god if you disturb me I will kick you out and no bringing guest over. I don't want to be kicking people out in the morning or hear your guest at night" Tyler said

"Ok, fine" gio said triumphantly. The plane landed 20 minutes and we departed. It was morning time and freezing cold.

I rushed to the car with ash and hopped in, not waiting for the others. Gio and Tyler got in the car 5 minutes later after the luggage was put in the trunk.

"The drive is 45 minutes so try sleeping" Tyler said

"Ok" I replied. I tried falling asleep but couldn't. For the last 5 minutes we've been driving up the hill and finally approached a big gate with the letter B on it.

"We are here" Tyler said. I got out of the car and waited for the others. Tyler unlocked the door and it was beautiful. It was rustic but at the same time it was modern, it looked like it had been restored and updated but still keep its roots. It's very open and lots of light

"Welcome to the bianchi estate" Tyler said

"It's so cool" I replied looking around. I walked outside to see a pool and the backyard overlooking the city

"This is your house?" I questioned

"Yes" he replied

"This is so cool" I said excitedly. This place was huge and so much to explore. I went back inside and started exploring the house

"Which one is my room?" I asked as I walked back into the main area

"I will show you" Tyler said. "Gio, grab her bags" Tyler said

"What why me?" He questioned in defense

"You're the youngest and I'm letting you stay here" Tyler said with a warning tone. I tried hiding a laugh but couldn't contain it

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