Chapter 87-17th Birthday

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I watched my father scan through the paper. He lets out a sigh as I wait for his stupid excuse

"Son I was in a troubling place and I needed help-

"So you sold my daughter" I interrupted him ready to beat the shit out of him

"No, let me explain. I knew you didn't want kids and when this proposal came to me I signed it knowing there won't be a direct heir coming from you. I signed this way before Skylar was born" he replied being strategic with his words

"Is this why told lizzie to run?" I questioned

"Yes, I was looking out for Lizzie and you. If she ran with your child the Spanish wouldn't find her since they didn't know her. I was trying to protect her" he reasoned as I tried to calm myself down but I couldn't.

"Well guess what dad, you never broke the contract and now they want their son to marry Skylar when she turns 18. Do you even know how old their son is?" I questioned

"I don't know, they haven't bothered us for a while" he shrugged not taking this seriously

"He's 26 dad. You think an 18 year old should be with a 26 year old?" I asked looking at him as he looks bored.

"Do you have an idea how to break the contract?" He asked me as I threw the pen at him that was on his desk

"This is your fucking grandchild, not some distant cousin. I was bombarded by this out of nowhere and haven't thought much of a plan. I came here to ask you about this and this is how you act. You're a pathetic father and grandfather" I scoffed leaving the room and heading to the door

"Son what happened?" My mother asked

"Ask your bastard of a husband. He sold my daughter for some stupid land" I rolled my eyes walking out and heading home. I'm not letting Skylar go through this no matter what, even if it means giving up my mafia.

I drove home to see Skylar is home. I parked my car and headed inside "Skylar" I called out taking off my shoes and my coat.

"Yeah" she replied at the top of the stairs.

"How was your day, did therapy go well?" I asked heading up the stairs to change out of my work clothes.

"Yeah we are doing basic things like stretches and extending my range of motion. It's boring but whatever" she shrugged

"I know you want to get back onto the field but go slow, you can fracture a bone or something if you jump into it too fast" I said mentioning her bone density. Her bone density is insanely low because of the treatment but we are working on that to get it back to normal.

"I know" she sighed as I gave her a hug. She doesn't know but I needed this hug more than her.

"I'm ordering your favorite dinner tonight" I said

"Why?" She questioned suspiciously

"Just cause" I shrugged, walking backwards as she eyes me. I walked into my room and changed into my loungewear. I need to figure out this contract because there's no way in hell Skylar is going to get married anytime soon, or ever. I ordered the dinner and started looking over the documents to see what I can do.

October 17

Today was Skylar's birthday and I got her a shit load of presents to make up what I'm going to do. I didn't want to but I had to fix the mess my father caused. Skylar didn't know yet but in a week I was going back to Italy to fix the issue. I want to take Skylar but it's too dangerous, I can't let her face anymore danger. She's staying with my parents and although I don't want her near my dad, he'll protect the family no matter what. My brothers and sister have their own life and are busy and I know my mother will take care of Skylar. I know Skylar won't like this arrangement but it won't be for long, I will come back to her quickly without her being tied to a stupid contract.

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