Chapter 88-Life with the grandparents

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My dad has been gone for a week and it feels like eternity. We called every night and FaceTimed to catch up on our day and he would be there when I submit my college applications. Physical therapy has been going well, I'm on the next level so we are working on cardio so light jogs and lots of walking. Grandpa and I don't interact much at the house but grandma and I are always doing something together. School has been a pain in my ass but I'm looking forward to thanksgiving break

Thanksgiving break

He said it was only gonna be a month but he extended the trip, saying he'll be back for Christmas. I should have expected this from my dad but I had a little hope in me.

"Sky how's school?" Uncle Gio asked as we ate the thanksgiving dinner.

"Good, finish college apps" I replied

"What schools did you apply to?" He asked as I listed the schools. I heard a small scoff coming from the end of my table, specifically from my grandad

"Bianchi's go to Ivy schools" he said as I looked towards him

"Atticus isn't at a ivy" aunt Andrea said sticking up for me

"Aunt Andrea" Atticus said in shock as she put her hands up in surrender

"Well he isn't a bastard child and he's still at a great school" grandpa said making my eyes widen in horror and in shock. "If you want to be a Bianchi, which you really aren't, then you need to go to an Ivy or a prestigious school" he grilled me as everyone started yelling at him.

I got up from my seat, dragging the chair loudly to get everyone's attention "well it's a good thing I don't want to be one" I gave a fake smile and left the table, grabbing my car keys and leaving the house. I drove all the way to the beach house and decided to spend the night here instead of being at that house. I went to the master bedroom and found some of my old clothes and changed into that and took all the makeup off.

Why would he say that? I know him and now don't talk but calling me a bastard's child? My mother was nowhere near a bastard and it isn't her fault that he paid her to leave. Will I ever be a Bianchi in his eye?

My phone started ringing and I see it is my dad calling, I know it's gonna be him asking me where I was since I turned off my location since I didn't want anyone finding me

"Hello" I picked up the call

"Skylar where are you, I heard you stormed out of the house" He was worried and I felt bad since he was all the way in Italy but he was suppose to be home by now.

"After your dad called me a bastard's child and told me I wasn't a Bianchi" I replied

"Don't listen to him, he's stupid" he said as I let out a mental scoff. "Are you safe?"

"Yes, I am fine. I just don't want to be there right now so I left. I'll be back in the morning" I replied as I walked to the kitchen to grab some food.

"I'm sorry Skylar I wasn't there. You know that you aren't a bastard's child and you are a Bianchi whether you like it or not. My father is something, you can't let him get to your head" He said making me feel a bit better but not much. I let a lot of things go to my head and I know this will eventually.

"Ok, oh hey when are you coming back. There is this winter father daughter dance on December first and I wanted to see if you are gonna come to it?" I asked

"I don't know the exact date but I will try to come." He replied as the hope in my heart grew

"Ok, but let me know. I'll buy the tickets in case" I smiled as I thought about my dad coming back

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