Chapter 5-Hospital stay

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I stayed at the hospital for a week. I found out my wound was infected and I was antibiotics. Dr. Sofia asked about the broken ribs and I just said it was a fight so those are also healing nicely and the bruises are starting to fade a bit. There was still a lot of bruised and scaring and pain but they were slowly going away but I know once I'm back with Lucas they will quickly be coming back.

"Skylar, we're gonna take you for a scan to see if your ribs have healed" dr. Sophia said

"Ok" I replied

I was wheeled to the CT room and did the scan. Tyler was there too. He actually stuck around a lot at the hospital

After the CT I was wheeled back to the room. It was getting very boring and I just really wanted to skateboard

"Knock knock" someone at the door said

It was Giovanni

"Hey" I said

"Hi, how are you feeling?" He asked

What's weird about this family they are caring for a stranger. I mean I understand why Dr. Sofia is because she is the doctor but Giovanni checking up on me and Tyler, it is strange.

"Better" I replied

"Good, are you bored?" He asked

"Yes" I replied

"Come on, let's go somewhere" he said

"Aren't we gonna get in trouble?" I asked

"It's my older sister, she won't be that mad" he replied

I shrugged and went on the wheelchair and we snuck out of the room. We walked around throughout the hospital and talked. It was nice talking to people, I wasn't really able to much when I was home.

"Skylar had broken bones that didn't heal properly" dr. Sofia said.

We were around the corner

"Come in Skylar, let's go back" Giovanni said

"No, hold on" I said

"Let's go, we're gonna get in trouble" he said

"Giovanni right now they are talking about me, I'm the patient and I should know this" I snapped

I really want to die, don't i

Stupid Skylar thinking I can just snap at people who can easily hurt me.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have snapped" rushing my words in a worried pace. My breathing started to becoming faster

"Hey it's okay, I'm not mad. Calm down" he said trying to calm me down

"Please don't hurt me, I didn't mean to talk back" I said my breathing still very face

"I'm not going to, breathe in and out. Come on" he said breathing with me

I did it and slowly started bring it back down

"Sorry" I said playing with my locket.

"It's okay" he replied

"These are clearly sign of abuse Tyler" Dr. Sofia said

Don't tell them anything, they are already taking care of you, imagine what they will do when they find out

"Abused?" Giovanni questioned

"What am I suppose to do. Lucas paid us back fully, he's waiting for the kid" Tyler replied

No, I can't go back. I cant deal with the pain and trauma anymore

"Do what you always do, make him pay more or something. Figure it out, or I will get the social worker down here" she said

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