Chapter 52-Therapy

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Ash was sleeping on my bed with me, keeping me comfort. I didn't sleep much because of the nightmare of Lucas. It was one of the worst one I had because Tyler was involved and it wasn't pleasant.

I haven't gotten up from my bed and I need to eat some breakfast but I don't want to go down. I just want to avoid Tyler. My stomach growled and I know if I didn't eat soon, acid would build up in my stomach and it will be worse. I threw the blanket over and walked out of my room, ash following behind me.

Once I got downstairs I gave ash his food while I made mine.

"Skylar" the voice appeared, it was a familiar voice I knew instantly, it was Tyler's.

I didn't bother looking at him and continued making my breakfast

"Please understand how sorry I am, I shouldn't have yelled at you or said those horrible things to you. What I said to you is a lie, you are an amazing kid and I was just overwhelmed with work and my parents coming over. I'm really sorry skylar and I know what I said was wrong." He apologized as I stayed silent hearing it out. He seems sorry for what he did but I can't forgive him right away. He really hurt me and it brought back memories of Lucas when he would call me names

"You don't know how much you hurt me. Calling me names yesterday and lashing out reminded me of Lucas. You reminded me of Lucas and I was scared, scared to see what you would do next." I stated, looking down at my food. The emotions started flooding

"I'm sorry, I don't want you to ever think I would hurt you. You're my daughter, I would never lay a hand on you" his tone softened

"Yeah but how do I know that? That's what Lucas said before he started to hurt me. It started with the names then the accidental hits" I looked up at him, his eyes meeting mine but flicking it back down.

"Im not Lucas and I've proved it countless of times. Please Skylar how can I make this up to you" he begged, causing me to shake my head

"You can't." I picked up my food and started making my way upstairs. I stepped into my room and closed the door and ate breakfast

The remainder of the day was pretty much silence between us two besides me telling him that I'm going out to walk the dog.


A couple of days has passed and Tyler has tried to talk to me and put the effort in. He has picked me up and dropped me off at school, he has gone to all my practices and takes me to the park so I can walk ash.

I've started to accept his apology and slowly realized he isn't Lucas. He's proving it more and more with everything and I know he means well, it's just Lucas will never let me have my guard down. My brain is wired this way and I hate it.

I want to change how my brain works, get rid of what Lucas did to me, the overthinking that controls everything, the anxiety that makes my body shake, and everything my brain controls. I haven't gone to my therapist in a while and I think it's a good idea if i start going back again.

I had less nightmares, able to control my anxiety, my overthinking wasn't as bad. Yeah maybe going back to therapy is a good idea.

I walk down the stairs and knock on Tyler's office.

"Come in" he said. I opened the door and walk into the room. It was Tyler, his dad, and someone I don't know.

"Skylar, this is Sebastian, my lawyer" he stated.


"Why do you have a lawyer?" I questioned

"Your grandparents are really going with this. They have a plausible case and are going to fight custody" Tyler explained making my expression go into shock

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