Chapter 3-Guest house

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I got out of the plane with Giovanni on one side of me and one of Tyler's men. I was directed to a limo with Giovanni, Tyler and one of his men.

I sat near the door while Giovanni on the same side and the other two opposite of us.

"To the warehouse" Tyler said

"Are you keeping her at the warehouse?" Giovanni asked

"Yes Giovanni" he said annoyed

"You can't keep her there, she's a child. You think that's smart?" Giovanni asked

"Giovanni it's fine" Tyler replied annoyed

What was the warehouse and why is it so scary

"Tyler no, she's a kid who got dragged into this not a fucking criminal. Let her stay in the guest house" Giovanni said

"Fine" Tyler said letting out a frustrated groan, continuing to type on his phone

Maybe the guest house is nice?

After a some what long drive we reached a very long driveway. We pulled up to a huge mansion. I've only seen these type of houses in movies.

The door opened, Tyler opened it first then one of Tyler's men, then me, then Giovanni.

"Take her to the guest house" Tyler said to one of his men

The man grabbed me and took me to the guest house. He opened the door and shoved me inside. I heard the door locked realizing it locks on the outside.

I looked around and it was nice, a couch with a tv, kitchen. I continued walking to see 3 bedroom and two bathroom.

I put my bag down in one of the rooms and went to the kitchen. I was really thirsty and tired. I drank water and tried opening a window to see if any could unlock and none could.

I can't even get out of here

I looked at the fridge, I wouldn't doubt they would starve me, I'm used to it already.

I opened the fridge to see it fully stocked. There's  more food than I thought.

I grabbed a piece of bread, that is usually how much I eat and sometimes an apple. My stomach had shrunk so I can never eat too much.

I toasted the bread and cut the apple. I finished eating then sat on the couch. I turned on the tv not expecting for cable to work. I put on a random show, it was criminal minds. I didn't who was what but it was still a good show. I shouldn't get attached because soon I'll be back with Lucas

I fell asleep on the couch which was very comfortable but was woken up a nightmare


"Please don't" I begged in the corner

"You're worthless slut, you don't deserve to live" Lucas shouted with his belt in his hand

"I didn't do anything, please dad" I begged crying with tears streaming down

"I'm not your dad" he shouted kicking me

He beat me with his belt 10 times then hitting me leaving bruises everywhere

I was left in the corner bleeding and bruised, wanting to die because I was useless, nothing to anyone. If I were to disappear no one would care

I was 10 at that time.

I woke up, shaking, sweating, in pain. I needed my pain killers.

I grabbed my bag and took 2 pills. I swallowed quickly and waited for it to work.

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