Chapter 86-Test diagnosis

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"What's the news? That I'm dying next?" I scoffed taking my anger out on them.

"What no, why would you think that?" My dad questioned, walking towards me. I shook my head looking at Dr. Maia. "What's the news" I asked

"Your scans came back and we have seen amazing progress with this trial. The cancer cells have stopped spreading and are dying" Dr. Maia smiled as I finally hear some good news in my life.

"How long till I'm done?" I questioned

"We don't have an exact day but we are hoping by the end of July early august" she replied giving me a hopeful smile. I look towards my dad to see him very excited, wishing I could be excited as him.

"Sky, you're going to be okay, more than okay" dad cheered as he gave me a hug but I just stayed frozen. My brain wasn't processing the news that I was given, it was still thinking about Lucy "Yeah" I mumbled looking at the wall. It should have been Lucy who gotten the good news, she's been fighting for so long, she should have survived. Everyone was excited for me but why couldn't I? I spent the rest of the day, family coming in and out of the hospital congratulating me for the good news and continued my treatment. The next morning I had a session with Dr. Genevieve

"Skylar, I heard the good news, why aren't you more excited about it?" She questioned

"The same day I found out this girl on my floor I was kind of friends with passed away. She had stage 4 and she fighting for so long and I feel she should have been the one to get the good news" I shrugged

"I see, you feel like you don't deserve it. Why is that?" She questioned

"I don't know, I guess I haven't fought long enough" I questioned not knowing how I felt.

"You can't do that to yourself. Everyone has their own journey with this and we wish we could help others but we also have to look at ourselves. It doesn't matter how long you've fought for but how hard you fought. It is sad to see the people who have fought over and over again but it is fine to be selfish in this situation. Do you think just because you are getting better, you are not at the same level of others?" She asked making me really think about this.

"I know I am a cancer patient, I am hopefully going to be a survivor but I didn't feel like I had the right because I'm almost done with my treatments and there are people who are still battling cancer and don't know if they are going to make it" I replied

"Skylar there is no set definition of who is a cancer patient and survivor. You guys are all going through something and yes it can be a different level but you are still one of them. I get it that it is weird because you feel like you didn't fight enough or go through enough but you did. You have gone through one of the toughest battle and you survived. You should be proud of yourself instead of questioning it." Dr. Genevieve said as I listened to her. She's right but I will always feel less when it comes to other cancer patients. The rest of the session we talked about this topic as well as the cancer and how I've been with it.

July 29

Another day in the hospital, getting closer and closer to when I can be released. I was very excited to be done with the treatment and was looking forward to starting school and being home.

"Hey sky, I gotta show you something" Gabby said. I got out of bed and started following her to the end of the hall where there was a rolled up banner, and my family was here  along with some doctors.

"Skylar, there is something you need to do. Can you ring this bell three times" Dr. Maka asked.

"What for?" I questioned

"For beating cancer" she smiled as my eyes widen in shock.

"I beat it?" I questioned not expecting to beat it today.

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