Chapter 74-Treehouse

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She's making me do fucking family therapy. We've done family therapy before, it wasn't the first time and it helped but I don't want to do it.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier" I whined

"Because you would cancel our session and avoid it at all cost. Skylar, I know you, we've been doing sessions for a very long time now and you don't like to be outside your comfort zone. You tend to need a push from someone and this is me giving you the push. I know the only reason why you agreed to family therapy before is because your dad was absent and you wanted him to understand you, but this time you're absent and he wants you to understand him." She said as I wanted to tune her out. "You may hate me, that's fine but know I'm doing this for both of you guys." She added as I rolled my eyes.

Yeah she's definitely doing this for both of us, she pity's my dad, I know she does.

"How's your medication" Dr. Genevieve asked as if we were okay all of a sudden

"Fine" I replied

"How often are you using it?" She asked

"I think 3 times this month" I replied

"That's good, you are leaning off of it now" she said as I nodded my head. I haven't had bad anxiety attacks as often anymore, I've been doing good with it. For the last 30 minutes we talked about my issue with Tyler and how my life is with my grandparents

"Your father is here, and I will remind you again. I know you have issues with him, but allow him to explain. He will listen to you and if you don't want to talk no one will force you. If it gets too much for you, then I will let you walk out." Dr. Genevieve reminded, she got up from her chair and walked towards the door, opening it and signaling who I assume is Tyler. Tyler appeared and sat down on the opposite side of the couch.

"So, how is everyone feeling?" Dr Genevieve asked as she tried to lighten up the tension that is in this room.

"Grateful for this session" Tyler replied, slowly looking towards me

"I've been better" I gritted out looking towards Dr. Genevieve

"Well, I decided to bring you guys in because there are some unresolved problems that is going on in both of your lives that affect each other. So we are going to get straight into it. Tyler why don't we start with you, do you have anything you want to tell Skylar?" She questioned

"Yes a lot, hold on" he grabbed something from his jacket, a small notebook with a pen, flipping towards a page. "Skylar, I want you to know I will do anything to fix our relationship. We have been through a lot and I know I have been a shitty parent but I have been working on it. I should have never chosen anyone over you, you are my blood and flesh and no one will get in between us again. I know it is very hard for you to trust me because of everything that has happened to your life but hopefully one day I will gain your trust." He said as I decided to listen. If I had to be stuck in this session at least I can listen to Tyler. The issue is that I am slowly starting to trust Tyler but I am still hesitant with everything. "When I asked you to move in, I was jumping to quickly not realizing that we are at different stages with this and I will never pressure you to go faster. I want you to be comfortable and we will go at your pace even if it takes months" he added. Dr. Genevieve and Tyler both looked at me, waiting for an answer or even a reaction. This is why I don't like family therapy that much, everyone is waiting for me to react.

"Thanks it means a lot knowing that I won't be forced and I can take my time. It isn't easy to trust people again after everything I have been through" I replied

"I have a question for you Skylar. How much do you trust Tyler?" She asked.

"Uhh like almost half. I guess I trust him with certain things but not with big thinks if that makes sense" I replied

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