Chapter 62-Date with Serena

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"Let me explain Skylar" Dad said as he put the car in park. "I had someone over yesterday" he explained as I internally gagged.

"I don't want to hear about your night life" I gagged shaking my head, trying not to think about it. I started covering my ears and singing over him trying to tune him out. I could tell he was getting frustrated but I didn't want to hear it. Tyler grabs my hands and drags it down "I have a girlfriend" he blurts out as I stop singing. 

"What?" I question not knowing if I heard that correctly.

"I have a girlfriend, her name is Serena and we have been dating for 3 months. I didn't want to introduce her yet because I didn't know how serious we were" He replied as I start to overthink about this. What if she's like his other girlfriend, what if makes me get on another diet, what if she tries to hurt. "Skylar, hey snap out of it" Tyler snapped his hand in front of me making my stop overthinking and back in the real world. "I want you to know she is nothing like my ex if you can even call it that. You don't have to worry, and if you want you can meet her this week." he suggested

"Are you guys really serious?" I asked

"Yes, or I wouldn't have told you" He replied

"Okay, I guess I'll meet her but I can't do this Saturday, I am hanging out with ava" I said

 "Okay, how about Friday?" He asked

"Yeah that works I guess" I shrugged. My dad pulled into the garage and I started making my way to my room. I had homework to do which I dreaded since I'm too lazy to do it. 

"Sky, what do you want for dinner?" Dad asked through the intercom. I walked up to it and pressed the button to answer. "No idea, I am up for anything"

"How about chicken tacos?" He asked 

"Sure" I said then walked back to my desk to do homework. I finished all my homework when dinner was ready and headed downstairs. I ate dinner with him and then headed upstairs to start getting ready for bed. I texted Anthony and Ava throughout the time I got ready for bed. I didn't take long and I was off to sleep in no time.


I hate school, sometimes it is the people but for the most part it is just the academic part. It is fun hanging out with my friends but since soccer is officially done, there isn't much to do anymore. I got to school and grabbed my books heading to class

"Skylar" my teacher said as I put down my stuff.

"Yeah" I replied turning around

"Coach Megan wants to see you" He replied 

"Ok" I said, leaving my stuff here and walking out. "Bring back a note" he yelled as I walked out. I walked outside and towards her office where she normally is during the morning.  I reached her office and knocked on the door.

"Come in" She said as I opened the door and slid inside

"Hey Coach, you wanted to see me?" I questioned walking inside. 

"Yes, please sit" she pointed to the seat in front of her. "Are you apart of a team outside of school?" She asked

"No but I was thinking to join one" I replied

"Well one of my friend coaches club soccer and I wanted to see if you are up for it. You would have to fill out an application but it's simple. I think you would love this and if you are planning to play in college, this would really help. Are you planning to play in college?" She asked

"Yeah when I started and realized that I was actually good I started to think about it" I replied

"Do you have any schools you want to play for?" She asked

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