Chapter 58-Filled with boxes

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I woke up the next morning and didn't want to get up from Tyler's bed. It was very comfortable and I know once I get up, I will have to face the world again.

"Hey kiddo" Tyler shook me awake as if I am not already awake. I turned around to see him with a smile on his face as if nothing happened to me.

"Yes" I replied burying my face into the pillow. The minute I step out of this room, reality will crash down on me and I am not ready.

"Come on, let's go eat breakfast" He said with a sympathetic look. I shook my head not wanting to get out of bed, hiding 

"Skylar, come on. It's time to get out of bed and go downstairs. Please for me, your dad who is trying and really wants the best for you and staying in this room is not good for you" He replied trying to sympathize and persuading me to get out.

"I don't want to" I whined

"Skylar, come on. You have not left your room or mine and need to go downstairs where there is light and an actual kitchen. We can't keep living up here" He is not listening to what I want and what I want is to stay up here and sleep.

"No" I replied

"That's it, you give me no choice" He said as I was being grabbed and thrown over his shoulder. A wave of dizziness hits me and I am now hanging upside.

"Tyler, let me go" I bang on his back as we started to walk out of his room and towards the stays

"No I am putting my foot down and making you eat breakfast in the kitchen like a normal person. You can either complain about it while sitting there or eat your breakfast and watch some tv in the kitchen" He walked down the stairs as I continue to hit his back and finally reached the kitchen. He set me down on the chair and I gave him a pissed look.

"Now what do you want for breakfast" He asked to which I shrugged my shoulders. "Pancakes it is" he said swiveling around and started grabbing the supplies to start making them. Within 30 minutes, a plate of chocolate chip pancakes were placed in front of me. Instead of grabbing the plate, I pushed it back towards Tyler

"Skylar, you have to eat" He said

"No" I shook my head. He let out a frustrated sigh and started cutting the pancakes into bite sizes then pushed the plate back towards me.

"Tyler, I don't want to eat" I pushed the plate back

"Skylar, you have to eat whether you like it or not" He walked towards me and grabbed the fork putting a piece on it and trying to feed me.

"Tyler just leave me alone" I sighed

"No, eat" He said

"No" I exclaimed

"Skylar" he glared. I pushed back the plate towards him and he pushed it back but I didn't stop it so it fell on the floor and broke into many pieces. 

"Skylar" he exclaimed "Just go to your room" he sighed. I got off the bar stool and headed to my room. I slammed the door and headed to my bed and hide under the covers. 

I felt bad about the plate breaking and the food falling but Tyler kept insisting and getting on my nerves about it. I didn't want to eat, why couldn't he understand that. Why did he have to yell at me, I didn't mean it to fall.

I heard the main door open and close. Someone entered the house, but I couldn't tell who entered, then again the door opened and closed again but this this was louder.

"Skylar" the voice knocked and I hear it is Uncle Gio

"Can I just be left alone please?" I questioned

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