Chapter 21-Nightmare

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I went over to the little bench that was next to the window. I could hear cars leaving indicating everyone left

How could I be so stupid, flinching in front of everyone. Letting everyone see how weak and useless you are. You know he wouldn't have hurt you.

I couldn't keep thinking like this, I got up to the bathroom, looking through my bag. I found my sleeping pills and took 2. I needed sleep and thinking more and more of this wasn't going to help.

I went over to my bed and let sleep consume me

I was in the basement, freezing cold. Only thing keeping me warm was my worn down sweatshirt

"Ohh little bitch" Lucas sang opening the basement door.

I heard multiple footsteps down the stairs.

He brought friends

This meant I was going to get beat even more worse today because I'll get 4-5 beatings

"There you are" he said grabbing me by my hair to throw me onto the wall making me fall to the ground

"We have a new little game" he said grabbing my hair to make me look up

"It's called, who can beat you till you're blue" he said

There were 4 of his friends today

Lucas kicked me first, then one of his friends hit me and went in a line.

They went multiple times, hitting harder and harder

"Please stop" I begged

"Please" I cried out

"Skylar" the voice called

"Please I didn't do anything" I begged wanting the pain to end

"Skylar" the voice called again

"Lucas please" I begged, bleeding and crying. I just wanted to see my mom again, be at peace

"Sky" the voice called out making me wake up from my dream.

I pushed myself up and moved all the way as far as I could to the headboard

No one calls me sky besides my mom, I don't let anyone call me that

I looked to see a worried Tyler

"Please don't call me that" I said

"What?" He asked

"Please don't call me sky" I said

"Ok, but are you okay. You were yelling and thrashing around" he said

"Yeah, just a nightmare" I said

"Just a nightmare? That was more than just a nightmare" he said

"It's nothing really" I said

"Come on skylar" he said

"I don't want to talk about it, please" I said

"Ok, I won't push you but you should really talk to a therapist" he said

"I don't know" I said

"You have to" he replied

"Fine" I said

"Try to get some sleep now" he said

"Usually I cant sleep after I have a nightmare" I replied

"Come on" he said getting up from my bed

"Where" I asked

"My room, you always fall asleep in there" he said

"It's fine Tyler" I said

"You are a kid who needs sleep too" he said

"I'm used to it" I replied

"Nope, come on" he said


"Or no skateboard" he said

"Fine" I replied

"Annoying butt face, trying to take away my skateboard" I mumbled under my breath

"I am not" he said

How did he hear?

We went to his room, he grabbed blankets and pillow and went to the couch.

I felt bad and I told him I could sleep on the couch but he said no.

I couldn't fall asleep quickly because of the nightmare

"I can't fall asleep, can we watch some tv?" I asked

"Sure" he replied

He tossed the remote and I turned on the tv. I flipped through channels and ended up watching spongebob, a classic.

Halfway through I fell asleep and I didn't wake up till the morning

I woke up to the room being empty. I went downstairs to grab some breakfast

"Good morning miss isabella" I said

"Good morning" she replied

I look to see Tyler eating breakfast too

"Good-morning Tyler" I said

"Morning" he replied

Miss isabella handed me a plate and I started eating it

"Skylar, can you meet me in my office after you're done eating" he asked

"Sure" I replied

I finished eating breakfast and went to Tyler's office

"You wanted to see me" I said

"Yes, sit" he replied pointing to the chair

I walked over and sat on the chair

"I wanted to say how sorry I was. I shouldn't have yelled at you yesterday. It wasn't you I was mad at, it was my father, but that doesn't mean I can still yell at you." He said

"Thank you for the apology" I said

"And I want you to know I will never hurt you, ever. No matter how mad I get, I will never lay a hand on you" he said

"Ok, I have one question though" I said

"What?" He asked

"What did your dad say you got so mad about?" I asked

"I don't think I should tell you, maybe later" he said

"Please, it has to do with me if you will tell me later" I replied

"I don't think you're ready" he said

"Please Tyler" I said

"I don't think it's the time to tell you" he said

"Tyler, you have to tell me now" I replied as I got up and slammed my hands down on his desk

He widened his eyes to see this side of me. I stepped back and sat back down

"You can't have a outburst like this if I tell you" he said

"Ok, fine I won't" I replied

"And whatever I tell you doesn't change anything" he said

"Ok" I replied

"Are you sure you want to know?" He asked

"Yes Tyler, tell me please. Whatever it is I'm ready" I replied

At that moment I wished I never asked him


Hey guys, hope you liked this chapter. What do you think he will say? Find out next time, see you later byeeee
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