Chapter 78-Summer

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For the next week I stayed with Tyler, not bothering to follow the schedule that we had in place. I rather stay with someone who is also experience similar type of pain then be stuck with my grandparents who Im not on good terms with.

I grab the curling wand handle, attempting to curl my hair for the first time. I've watched many videos on how to do it and hopefully it will look decent when I do it. Carefully I wrap my hair around the barrel, focusing not burning my finger instead burning my neck

"Fuck" I screamed as I threw the barrel down. My hand immediately goes to the burn, regretting touching the burn

"What happened?" Tyler barged in with a worry look on his face.

"I fucking burned myself with that stupid piece of shit" I pointed to stupid burner

"Language" he warned

"Seriously?" I questioned with anger.

"Sorry, are you okay?" He asked looking at the burn,

"Does it look like I am?" I asked giving him a dumfounded look. Does he even have a brain?

"Stop getting mad at me" he yelled as our conversation turned into a screaming match. "Come on, let's get you some help" I followed him out towards the kitchen as he wet a paper towel and puts it on my burn. "You have to be more careful" he calmly said

"No one ever taught me this stuff and I wanted to fix my hair" I replied holding the wet paper towel on my neck.

"Why, your is perfect" he said patting down my frizzy hair.

"No it's not, it's a frizzy mess." I sighed patting down my hair to fix some of my frizz. "Im thinking about dying my hair again" I stayed waiting for Tyler's reaction

"What are you planning to do? Going blue or pink this time?" He questioned looking almost annoyed. When I went red, I was going through my rebellious phase so I'm assuming he thinks I'm still in it.

"Honestly, probably some natural highlights. It will brighten up my hair instead of it being boring dark brown." I shrugged

"Don't touch your roots, you got the bianchi genes and that means we have good hair" he moved his hair around trying to show it off

"Oh my god, is that a grey hair" I pointed to his hair with a fake shock.

"Where" he pushes me aside to go to the mirror, inspecting his hair. I laughed at him as I head to my room, unplugging my curling wand and sitting on my bed annoyed. Instead of continuing to get ready, I sat on my bed scrolling through my phone for an hour

"Knock knock" Andrea said poking her head in my room

"Hi aunt Andrea" I slowly got up from my bed. She walked over to my bed and sat on the edge

"Are you in the mood for a girls day?" She cheerfully asked. The last girls day we did when I was first here and that didn't go so well. "Actually I don't care if you are or aren't, we are going on one so come on" she grabbed my arms, pulling me up from my bed

"I'm trying to save my money" I replied telling the truth, I was actually trying to save my money for once so I can upgrade my record player and possible get a camera.

"Nonsense, I already got your dad credit card. He specifically said it's not him" pulling out his black American Express and tossing it to me. "Now let's go we have a long day" she again grabbed my arm, launching me out of bed and pulling me to the front door. I put on my shoes as Tyler appears with his cup of coffee.

"Spend however much you need, I know you haven't bought much for a while and like to go on the cheap route but I want you to buy what you need, or might need" Tyler said as I finished lacing up my shoes "and that includes new shoes" he pointed to my insanely dirty shoes that I've had for a while.

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