Chapter 17-Fun day with gio

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Michael and I had the burger and I have never had a burger like this.

"See I told you it's good" he said

"Can I have this everyday?" I questioned in disbelief of how good it is

He let out a small chuckle and ate the fries. We finished the food and headed home.

Once we got home I went up to my room and did some schoolwork.

After doing some work I ended up taking a nap. Anders woke me up during my nap saying it was dinner time.

"Ok skylar, so for dinner you will have chicken with a side of rice and some vegetables" Miss isabella said

"Ok" I replied

She handed me the plate and I started eating it. It was amazing, the chicken was rich with flavor, and the vegetables were perfectly cooked.

"It's amazing" I said

"Thank you" she replied

I ate most of the food, I was stuffed

I put my plate away, going upstairs

I took a shower which was a lot of work. Once I finished the shower I watched some tv, falling asleep to it.

I heard my door open, and I shifted to see who was there

"Tyler?" I said squinting my eyes

"Go back to bed, I'm just turning off the tv" he said

"Ok" I said turning around

The tv was turned off and he left the room.

Tyler's p.o.v

after checking on Skylar I went to my room to see Sarah.

"Hey baby" she said

Why do I even have her here still.

"Why did you put Skylar on a diet?" I asked

"What?" She questioned

"Why did you put Skylar on a diet" I asked again getting angry

"Because she needed to be on one so she can gain weight" she replied

"She needed carbs and protein and meat, not just salad every night" I yelled

"I was trying to be a mother to her. Here's is lying in the fucking ground doing nothing while she's here." She replied

That did it for me

I pushed her to the wall, my hand wrapped around her throat

"Don't ever talk about her mother, the one person I truly loved. If I ever hear a word about her out of your mouth, it will be the last thing you ever say" I said

"Sorry" she replied

"Go sleep in the guest room" I said

"What?" She asked

"Go" I yelled

She scurried out of the room and out of my sight.

I let out an annoyed sigh. I got into the shower and went to bed

Skylar's p.o.v

I woke up the next morning and went downstairs

"Hi skylar" Miss isabella said

"Hi miss isabella" I replied

"So for breakfast, Dr. Sophia said you need at least bacon and eggs in your breakfast" she said

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