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Reid POV.. I dropped to my knees and grabbed  her by her neck.. Reid, Morgan screamed running to me, stop... Back off Morgan I said with death in my eyes.. Baby don't do this he begged... I stood still holding her by her neck..I looked at my team and said nobody come any closer, or I will snap her neck.. Reid please she's not worth it Morgan begged... No she isn't I said and then I looked at Hotch.. Aaron she raped me I said with fire in my eyes... Everyone gasped bc nobody, not even myself would have ever thought JJ would act like an unsub.. Spencer I believe you Aaron said locking eyes with me.. But you know this isn't the way to handle it.. Please let her go and I promise you we will handle this the right way, when were return home... but she lied to me over and over again,I cried.. She is suppose to be my fucking best friend I screamed... I know Rossi intervened but let Hotch and Strauss handle this at home.. Please PB, let her go... Don't become what she has, the enemy... I love you so much Morgan said, please don't leave me.. I looked into his eyes and saw that despite of all this he did love me.. I looked at Jennifer and saw she was gasping for breath... I hate you I said...I spit in her face and threw her to the ground ... Spence no she screamed crawling to me... Don't do this please, I truly love you she cried... Fuck you Jennifer I said... Spence can't you see that I did all this for you.. Morgan don't love you she spat... He don't love anyone but himself... You don't love me Jennifer, people who are in love with someone don't lie, rape and do all the vicious shit you have done... You broke the law in so many ways that it's not even funny... But Spence she cried, I only don't those things for you.. I wanted you to love me as much as much as I love you she cried... I will do anything  for you baby anything...I looked at her one more time and said bitch stay away from me. Morgan I'm so sorry I said.. I know baby, I am to... Morgan, Reid take a walk.. Return in twenty minutes... Spencer don't go JJ screamed.. What is going on here the chief of the PD asked.. Before anyone could answer JJ pointed at Emily and said that bitch assaulted me

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