Desires and Secrets Chapter 5

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I must have passed out bc suddenly I felt JJ shaking me.. Were here Spence she said smiling.. Ok I said slurring my words..I reached for the door handle but couldn't open it.. I got it baby she said reaching over to open the door for me.. I laughed bc I knew how to open the stupid door by myself.. I got out the car and damn near hit the ground..I caught myself just in time though bc I grabbed onto the door handle.. You ok JJ asked coming to my side? Yes I said laughing again.. She laughed and wrapped her arm around my waist.. I can wa wa walkkkk by myself I slurred.. I know she said giggling but I don't mind helping you.. Kkkk I said my eyes damn near closed... Somehow we made it to the front door and inside her house.. I immediately rushed to the couch to sit bc I couldn't stand to much longer.. She sat down beside me, very close to me... She reached into her purse and took out her own bottle of gin... Thstt mennineee I slurred reaching for the bottle.. No this is yours here she said giving me another bottle.. I knew I shouldn't drink anymore but I needed to forget... My eyes filled with tears again as I thought about Morgan on that dance floor, with that slutty bitch... Spence what's wrong JJ asked taking my hand... Morgan.. He danced he let her touch him JJ.. He hurt me, why would he do that I cried? Bc he is an ass JJ said.. He don't even know how special you are Spence.. you can do so much better.. But JJ he's not into woman like that anymore I cried.. He loves me but hurts me I don't know why but it hurts and he don't hurt me intentionally,I said, my words running together.. Spence are you sure you are completely gay she asked? Huh I asked what? Are you 100% gay she asked? Yes, I've been with women but I prefer men although woman are still actrictive I said contradicting myself but my alcohol level was past the legel amount, so my brain wasn't functioning right... Ok Spence am I attractive to you she asked? Of course I said giggling.. JJ you are beuatful I said slurring my words again..

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