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JJ POV.. Fuck this I thought, if this little bitch want war I'll give it to her... What are you trying to prove I asked coldly after Reid left? You tell me Jennifer she said just as coldly.. I know you are butting in Morgan and Reid affair I said.. And your not? We stared each other down and then she said, be a woman JJ and tell me what it really is you are doing? I'll answer she said before I could speak... You tricked Reid into sleeping with you didn't you she asked, never breaking eye contact? I smiled and said, do it really look like I need to trick anyone into sleeping with me, I said in my cocky voice? You pitiful bitch she said... Pitiful I said raising an eyebrow? Yes pitiful, you had to get him drunk to fuck you she asked in disgust? If he really wanted you he would have took you sober.. He's gay you idiot, and he loves our  coworker.. DAMN JJ are you really that hard up and desperate she asked? Her words were fucking with me but I be dammed if I showed her that.. Hard up I asked? Bitch you slept with the enemy to further your career, remember Ian I said in the nastiest voice I could? She paled and I smiled.. we both knew that's wasn't why she slept with Ian but me even suggesting such a thing hurt her.. So what I thought, she was cruel to me with her words.. Silence and then she said Jennifer you have lost it but what you don't realize, is I have proof.. Proof of you seducing, hell possibly raping your best friend.. I paled and called her bluff and said prove it... She smiled, pulled out her phone and then played the the message... I listened to it in shock, while she smiled that little I got you smile... I once told Ian if he COME NEAR MY TEAM I WOULD END HIM.. NOW IN TELLING YOU JJ FUCK WITH MY FAMILY AND I WILL PERSONALLY END YOU BITCH

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