Desires and Secrets chapter 2

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Reid POV.. Emily and Garcia fun teasing was good nature, but they didn't realize it was cutting into my heart ..I already knew Morgan would dance eventually but damn I didn't want to think of it now.. I was glad when Hotch changed the subject,, although I wished JJ would hurry up and get here.. Once the team had drinks in their systems I would be on my own.. Emily and Garcia would go the dance floor with Morgan.. Hotch and Dave world go play pool or shot dice. But JJ didn't mind spending time with me, although she would dance, it wouldn't be all night... I was zoning out , and pretending not to watch Derek when I heard JJ voice.. But when I looked up my mouth damn near dropped open.. JJ looked absolutely sexy seductive and beautiful tonight... My favorite color on Emily was red, but tonight JJ has her beat with that dress...I drank her in from her dress, to her make up and those four inch heels... If I wasn't in love with Morgan, I wouldn't mind having JJ on my arm.. I stared at her until I heard Morgan voice teasing her..I snapped back to reality but then she shocked me.. Morgan asked her if she was man hunting and she said maybe twice and then and said maybe for your man... Morgan laughed and said she couldn't have me.. I smiled bc Morgan I loved when my baby claimed me

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