Chapter 10

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.. He was laughing and said I needed to pick him up... I could tell he had drunk something else.. JJ you didn't take the liquor with you he asked? Of course I did Morgan, I guess there was more in his house, I didn't think to check.. Why would you he asked? Reid is a grown man, ok continue he sighed.. When I got to his house the door was cracked.. Expecting the worst, I took out my gun... I checked the apartment before I entered his room... Derek he wasn't there alone.. And before I tell you what I saw again I need your promise.. JJ I won't say nothing he said.. Morgan he was in the bed with Prentiss and they both were naked... what he said, are you fucking serious... I'm sorry I said making my voice shake... If you don't believe me, I could send you the pictures.. You took pictures he asked? No but they are in his phone.. When I walked in I asked him what the fuck was going on? He laughed and said Derek isn't the only one who can get a fucking woman.. Emily just laughed and said Reid was quite the lover.. Morgan they both were pissy drunk I said.. Silence then he asked me how did I see the pictures..I explained after 20 minutes I convinced them both to get dressed... After that I dropped Emily off at home.. Then I took Reid home with me.. He passed out Morgan and then he woke at nine..I asked him about last night and he said he remembered everything...

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