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Reid POV... I was absolutely furious when I left the drug store... I didn't feel like seeing JJ at the moment, bc although she means well, she was getting on my nerves, but then I felt bad bc she was only trying to help... My thoughts went back to what Michelle had said and I became more pissed.. Morgan would have fuck a bitch that was wicked.. I say wicked bc look at how she lied right in my face, and when I wouldn't believe her lies, she targeted JJ... My mouth went dry and I felt that old wanting to get high feeling... Shit I thought to myself, .. I quickly turned down my street and hoped like hell there was a meeting today. I was in luck bc one was just starting... An hour later I left feeling like the world had lifted of my shoulders.. These meetings always calmed me down, although I hadn't been to one in six months, right when Morgan and I started dating. When I was with him, I never felt the desire to get high I sighed sadly bc I love him so much.. I decided to go ahead and get my clothes from my  apartment.. Regardless of what I felt, JJ deserved a little more of my time..I would leave tonight though bc I needed time to myself... My go bag was by my door, so I grabbed it.. Normally I packed a week worth of clothes, so I was good.. Finally I was back at JJ's..I took a deep breath and headed inside... She was asleep on the couch.. I smiled bc and looked like an Angel sleeping..I let her sleep as I headed to the kitchen for my much needed coffee.. Twenty minutes later two phones went off, bringing me out my daze.. I went back into the living room and saw she was awake.. But another phone kept ringing.. I looked around and finally realized it was coming from my bag.. I was confused bc I thought I searched it.. I answered.. It was Strauss saying we had a case.. Dam it I thought, I had to face Derek and Garcia

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