Chapter 10

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JJ POV.. My phone rang... Ugh I thought as Morgan name popped up.. Reid continued looking for his phone.. Spence this is my mother..I have to take this I said smiling.. He nodded and continued searching.. I stepped on my patio and answered.. Hey Morgan I said...JJ, sorry for disturbing you but is Reid still with you? I tried calling his phone but it keep going to VM he said, like I didn't know that already.. Yes he's here Morgan but he's still sleeping I said.. He was wasted last night.. Is he ok he asked? No Morgan, he cried until the early morning I said.. Damn it he swore.. I smiled bc I could hear the pain and guilt in his voice..JJ I now he's your best friend and I'm not asking for you to betray him, but I need to know one thing he pleaded..Hummm I thought to myself what could he want to know? Look Morgan, Reid is my friend but you are to.. I don't like all this fighting between you to, I lied so I will tell you what you want to know I said.. Thank you JJ he said in a humble voice... I just wanted to know where I stand with him he said.. I smiled bc I could fill his head with lies, just like I did with Reid... They weren't getting back together I thought smiling, he's mine..

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