Chapter 2 Desires and Secrets

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Reid POV ..I didn't expect for Morgan to open himself up totally but I was glad he did..I knew we were close, but I never knew he felt how he felt. Listening to him made me realize how much he meant to me... It made me realize why I couldn't become exclusive with JJ, Lila or Austin... I didn't realize it then, but I realized now, I to loved him as much as he loved me..I just never admitted it to myself, bc I never in a million years, would of believed I could have a change with Derek Morgan... Derek I have loved you for a long time also... I can't tell you the accurate moment right now, but with you I  always feel safe and happy.. When you tease me, I feel like  I'm, accepted bc I know you are doing it in good nature.. When you smile at me, I feel, I don't know ,like  I'm the only one in the room... You bring me my coffee, every morning and you fix it just right Derek.. That took time to learn, and I always felt special that you took the time to learn it I said smiling... I could go on and on but I won't. All I can say is I love you to I said sincerely... Oh Reid he said embracing me.. Thank you.... Thank you Derek for admitting what I never would have I said sincerely... We embraced for a few more moments and then.. Derek are we going to be exclusive I asked? Yes Spencer, I only want you he said with passion.. Will we tell the team I had to ask? Do you want to he asked looking deeply into my eyes? Yes I said... Ok then we will tell them Monday... Ok I agreed.. The rest of the night was spent talking and cuddling.. We kissed a lot but we agreed on waiting to have sex...I was ok with that, bc although I wasn't a virgin, I hadn't been with a man yet.. he hasn't either, well besides Carl so I was glad we world experience our first time together

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