732 12 10

I hear a knock on the door of my motor coach so I quickly get up and open it to find Chase.

"Hi" I say awkwardly.


I stand there for a second before I step aside and he walks in. "I know it's late... but-"

"I'm usually a night owl so it's fine. I'm more concerned about you though" Chase cuts me off and then gives me a small smile.

I nod and gesture over to the small couch, "Pop a squat then. Can I get you something to drink? I have lots of juice? And water. And maybe a few sodas."

He shrugs, "I'll take a juice. Pick a flavor."

I go and grab a cup and start to pour some apple juice for him and myself. After returning the jug to the fridge I walk over and sit next to him on the couch, handing him his cup.

"Fancy," he smirks and takes a sip.

"You know me," I laugh a little, "only high quality hospitality."

He grins and leans back on the couch making himself comfy.

I sigh, "so."

He looks at me and blinks, "so."

"I wanted to let you know that I'm sorry for not responding and being stubborn the last few days. You see I ran into someone I'd much rather have forgotten yesterday. My ex. Years ago when we were together he was very manipulative and just did something to me that I can't forget. I'm fine now and have been, but seeing him here and telling me things just kind of threw me off."

"What kinds of things did he say?"

"Well he basically told me that you guys didn't actually like me and was only using me because I'm a girl and it'll gain you all popularity and yada yada" I pause, "But I didn't believe it because like I said the other week when we went out to lunch... I know you are all genuine and I know that I can actually call you my friends."

I say then, "But a small part of me did believe it because that's how it's always been. My other so called friends back home would always leave me for their boyfriends and other people that were apparently better than me. And I could never figure out what I did wrong or whatever it was. Which it hurts because I'm always there for people and do anything in the world for them, and I get thrown around like a rag. All the time," I look at Chase, "but you guys aren't like that."

He nods slowly and takes a sip of the juice again.

"I knew Garrett for a while before we started dating. And it was like he was a completely different person. So even from a friends and just a normal human being perspective, it was cruel how he treated me."

I proceeded to tell him about how he publicly humiliated me and how he explained how he just was with me out of pity and the whole nine yards. One I finish I just look down at my hands again and let out a sigh of relief.

It was nice to get it off my chest.

"And I've never told anyone, besides my family obviously, about any of that."

Chase sets his cup on the small table and leans forward, grabbing my shoulders to turn me to face him. "(F/n)" he pauses, his eyes locking onto mine, "I'm not a violent guy okay? But if that douche canoe ever says or does anything to you either when I am or am not around... I will personally see to it that I mistakenly take him as a speed bump."

I grin a bit and he looks to the side and then back at me, "But seriously if I can help it, I'll make sure that never happens to you again."

He then plops his forehead on my shoulder, "Please don't worry us like that again. I thought maybe one of us did something wrong."

I poke his shoulder and he sits up with a grin. I say "I won't. I promise. And thank you Chase. Hearing that means a lot. I just don't want you to think of me as some sad girl who is torn up over her asshole of an ex and-"

"I didn't think any of that for one second. And I never will. And for the record... I get it. I understand where you're coming from because a few of the girls that I have been with ended up only wanting to be with me because I'm Chase Elliott. Fame and fortune and it would look good on magazine covers and news articles. And I don't want that. I want someone to be with me for me. So yeah, I get you."

I give a soft smile and nod.

"We might be teammates and get aggressive on the track and all, but we are friends. You are one of the first people on the list to my birthday party," he smirks and chuckles, "We can make each other friendship bracelets or whatever it takes to ensure you that I've got your back."

I tilt my head and grin, "As long as it's pretty and sparkly then I'm down."

He shakes his head with a full smile now, "Done."

I look at the time on my phone and see it's around 9:30pm.

"Want to go get a snack?" Chase asks me with one of his eyebrows arched as he stands up.

"What kind of snack? Everything is pretty much closed at this hour."

Chase shrugs, "yeah but the grocery stores around here should still be open."

I shrug and get up and we both walk to his truck. I hop in on the passenger side and click on my seatbelt as Chase does the same and starts it up.

He reverses it and pulls away and onto the main roads. We go through a small town and pull up into the lot of a small grocery store that has the hours listed "open until 10pm."

"Best be quick... we have like fifteen minutes" I say as I unbuckle and open the door.

We fast walk into the store and Chase leads me to the back at the small frozen section where there's a few rows of ice cream.

I look until my eyes land on the small tub of (Favorite flavor). I open the door and snatch it up. Chase grabs a small tub of Cookies n' Cream and looks at what I have in my hands.

I blink at him "ready?"

He looks at me then says, "do you have spoons back at your place?"

I give him a "are you being serious right now" look and sarcastically say "No I eat soup and cereal with a fork."

He grins "some people do."


He shrugs "Ryan probably does honestly."

I playfully roll my eyes, "let's go we have like five minutes now," and turn and quickly walk to the register.

The man scans my ice cream and I snatch Chase's from him and have it rung up to. I grab my wallet and give the guy the money to pay for both. I hear Chase click his tongue and I look at him, "consider it a returned favor for the other week when we went out to eat."

He shakes his head, "fine."

After our excursion to retrieve some ice cream, we now find ourselves sitting on the little steps that lead to the door of my motor coach. I'm digging into the tub of (Favorite flavor) as Chase is savoring his Cookies n' Cream.

"Better now?" He asks me, nudging my shoulder with his.

I nod, swallowing the ice cream I had in my mouth, "Much better, thank you."


Hi! Thanks for sticking through this rougher part of the story. I wanted to release multiple chapters for this part so it all flowed together and made sense :)

Stay tuned for the next release as it'll (hopefully) be really fun! Hope you guys are enjoying so far!

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