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Chase's P.O.V

"Well with some luck you're going to go home tomorrow," Doctor Abbey says.

(F/n) gives him a weak smile, the bags darkening under her eyes and her body seeming so frail. She winces every time she moves...

I stand to the side with my arms crossed as she didn't want me to leave as she was going through the examination. "And we know Mister Hendrick will be stopping by to see you today so we will be discussing your next two months so we can plan your return, okay?"

She nods, "Thank you."

He smiles, "We'll have the nurses keep doing their routine checks so let them know if you need anything."

And with that he leaves. (F/n) closes her eyes and sighs. She's anxious to see the footage of her wreck, but I swore to Mister Hendrick I wouldn't show her until he got here because he was wanting to discuss a few things.

"You doing okay?" I ask.

"I just want to go home..."

"I know. But hopefully they'll get you out of here tomorrow morning."

"I'm also just upset. I won't get to race for a while," her eyes start to water.

She wipes under her eyes and I can tell she's trying her best not to break down. I walk over and sit on the side of her bed and poke her cheek, "That makes two of us. I'm upset I won't get to pass you and makes jokes about it for a while."

"You'll still talk to me, right?"

Those words break my heart, and it cuts deep. "Yeah of course I will! Why wouldn't I?"

She shakes her head, "Sorry I know. I'm just... not in the right headspace right now. I'm worried about my racing career and our friendship and, and what if I don't get to come back?" Her voice rises in panic.

"(F/n). You'll get to come back, trust me. You don't have any life-threatening injuries or anything. Just a few scrapes and bruises. Plus, you signed the contract didn't you? You've got a ride for another year. Besides, none of this was your fault..." I start to feel that flame of rage burn just a bit, "it was Harvick's."

She closes her eyes again, "Don't do anything stupid Chase," she remarks hearing my anger boil in my tone.

"I'll make no such promises. I'm pissed NASCAR didn't sit him down. I think everyone is. I've never heard so many boos in my life I don't think."

Her (E/c) eyes find mine, "Just please promise me. It's done and it's over with. I'll get my revenge. I don't need anyone else to get hurt."

"But you got hurt because you stood up for me that day. That's the only other explanation I have for his stupidity."

She goes quiet and her eyes close again, "Just don't Chase."

I sigh, "Get some rest. I'm going to go call Ryan and see if him and Katrina want to come see you. If you are in the mood for some other, maybe better, company that is?" I wink at her at the last bit.

She nods with a little smile, "Yeah it's about time," I hear her tease ever so slightly.

Before I know it her head tilts and sinks into the pillow and she's fallen asleep. I don't think I've ever seen someone so drained before either. I know it's wearing on her mentally too, she's just that kind of person.

But it's because she cares and she's so passionate about racing.

I pull her blanket back up to her chest and I give her one last look before I walk out of the room.

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