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My eyes crack open and it takes me a moment to gather myself, remembering where I am.

I still feel (F/n)'s hand in mine and I lift my head from the small desk. I slowly let go of her and wipe the sleep from my eyes. My mouth opens in a wide yawn and I adjust to the morning sunlight streaking in from the curtains on the windows.

Leaning back in the little chair, I stretch my arms and legs. I then lean forward and clasp my hands together as I note that nothing has changed since yesterday. She's still in the same position.

I want her to get all the rest she needs, but I also want her to wake up. I need to see her shinning bright (E/c) eyes and her classic smile that she always greets me with.

I need to hear her voice.

I need to know that's she's okay.

I let out a quiet sigh and slowly get up, my joints stiff from sleeping in that awkward position. Quietly, I make my way to the little bathroom and shut the door softly behind me. In the mirror I see my hair is sticking up on one side, the one I was sleeping on, and I run some water through it to flatten it back down. After that, I relieve my bladder and wash my hands.

When I come back out I feel myself deflate a bit. Currently, I'm lost. I don't know what to do. I want time to go by in hopes that's she will wake up.

I make my way back over to her and I stuff my hands in my pockets and chew on my bottom lip and my eyes glide over the features of her face. My lip trembles and I blink away the forming tears as one slips and rolls down my cheek and onto her bedsheet. I wipe my face and let out a deep breath.

"I don't know what to do (F/n)..." I whisper, "I have so much I need to tell you but I don't know how to do it..."

Suddenly, my phone lights up on the little table by her bed and my heart lurches as it vibrates, making a loud noise on the wood. I quickly and as quietly as I can, rush over and pick it up. I swipe to answer the call and hurriedly leave her room so I don't accidentally wake her up.

"Hello?" I greet the unknown number.



I hear a sniffle, "Chase this is (F/n)'s mother. Are you with her? How is she doing? The doctors called us and told us everything yesterday and that you were with her. We got your number from Mister Hendrick so I apologize for intruding in your privacy there..."

"No, no it's fine. I understand and I get it. I'm glad you got my number actually. But, er, she's still asleep. She hasn't woken up yet and I'm just sitting up here with her until she does."

"Thank you, Chase. I know the first person she's going to want to see when she wakes up is you. I appreciate you being there for her. We will be coming down to get her and bring her back home for recovery when she wakes up. Only because we don't know how long it's going to take and with her dad's health issues going on right now we don't want to be away too long."

I nod, "Yeah that's understandable. Trust me, I've got my eye on her and I'll be here the moment she wakes up. I'll call you when she does wake up."

"Yes, please do."

There's a silence and I am hit with another wave of sadness and worry. But it's right then and there that I know that whether this runs into the next race or not, I will be here when she wakes up.

Because right now, I'm all she has.

"Well I'll let you go. Call if you need anything, okay? And thank you so, so much again Chase. Really and truly."

"Yes ma'am I will. And I'm glad to be able to be here. I'll make sure she's taken care of."

"Okay bye sweetie."

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