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I pull my car down pit road, Kyle a car behind me as he had fallen back a spot after he blew a tire.

I can already feel my heart race with anxiety as my car comes to a stop.

I turn my head and see that Chase won and is currently burning it down at his home track. At least that's one good thing.

Unfortunately, I think Kyle is about to burn me down.

I slide out of the car after releasing the window net. I get out and take off my helmet and my ear buds. I shake my hair out after taking out the band holding it together. I hear the crowd hoot and holler as I turn around and am faced with a raging Kyle Busch.

"Good job. Glad we had a nice clean race."

I give him a very pointed look "right, because you came down on me as I got loose and was trying to correct the car."

"Typical for a rookie to run someone over because they can't control a car on old tires."

"Says the one that's always riding my ass and shoving into me every time I do better than you and get in front! You even had to assert your 'dominance' after I got the last point in stage two! What kind of pitiful crap is that Kyle?!"

He gets up close to me and spreads his arms wide as I cross my arms over my chest, "Because you had to be dirty about it!" He points at me, "next time I won't give you a warning when I'm going to dump you into the wall."

He glares at me before he turns around and walks off.

The officials that came over to monitor the situation leave as well as the crowd that started to gather between mine and Kyle's pit crew. Cliff comes up and grabs my shoulder, giving it a light squeeze, "don't worry kid, the tape shows he came down to you. Everything that happened in that moment was on him."

I nod, "yeah I know that. Maybe he'll open his eyes after crying about it and realize that too."

Cliff chuckles, "good work today (F/n). I'm honestly surprised you didn't blow the right side tires clear off your car. I'm curious as to how they look."

I give him a small smile, trying to cool off from my confrontation, "Thanks to my pure talent."

"I dunno, you seem like a pretty lousy racer to me," he jokes, nodding at Kyle's car.

My grin turns into a smile and he gives me one last pat on the back and turns as the crew comes up to take care of the car.

I look back at it and just take in the number on the side.

Forty eight.

I nod slowly to myself and say, "I'm going to make you proud."


"How about it Georgia Boy!"

Chase gives me a wide smile, "yeah man! I finally did it!"

I give him a hug and a pat on the back and I hear a few cameras go off.

He takes his hat off and runs his hand through his hair before placing his hat back on his head. "Another one where Bill Elliott's son follows in his father's foot steps."

There's a certain look on his face and I give him a gentle smile, "But Chase Elliott won today, and that's what counts."

He smiles back at me and gives me another small hug, "appreciate it (F/n)."

I nod, my look saying enough. "I'll see you next week then."

"I'm sure you'll hear from me sooner than that."

"Yeah I know," I grin.

I wave him goodbye and head off to my motor coach.

Chase's P.O.V

I watch (F/n) leave and I turn back to the crowd that's celebrating my victory. It feels good to finally win at my home track, but there's still this sinking feeling when the reporters and everyone else brings up that I'm following in dad's footsteps.

It seems like most of the time I'm not Chase Elliott. I'm Bill Elliott's son. When I win they always mention him. I love my parents more than anything, but sometimes I just wish...

That I was just Chase Elliott.


Scrolling through Twitter, I stumble upon a post with a picture of me and (F/n) hugging. It's a news article that someone shared and the title is "Teammates in Love?"

My heart speeds up as I open the article, my eyes wide as I scan what they are saying. They mention my past girlfriend, which luckily they don't know much about, and then show that picture of me and (F/n) earlier. I shake my head and rub my eyes, flinging my phone down.

"This is why..." I trail off.

It's not that I don't like having people involved with my career... I mean that's hard for (F/n) as she's practically a part of it. But word leaked about my last girlfriend and now seeing me and (F/n) together is only going to stir the pot and create trouble for us both. I just hate how the media likes to expose as much as my personal life as they possibly can. I don't mind sharing some things... but I guess that's the downfall of being an athlete.

I take a deep breath and put it out of my mind. I get up, go to the door and grab the leash I have hanging up and whistle.

I hear the tapping of paws and Fletch comes bounding from the other room and barks happily as I give him a rub on the head. "Let's go for a walk buddy."

I clip the leash on and make my way outside into the evening. I think a walk would do me some good. Clear my mind as it's swarming with thoughts on me and my dad and now this article.

I don't know why my heart feels like it's sinking. I've dealt with being a shadow of my dad since I started in NASCAR, but for some reason it just feels like a heavier weight on my shoulders.

The article weighs on my mind too. I don't know why but I felt... disappointment? At what, I can't figure it out. But I think the best course of action will be to just ignore it and move on. False news gets spread around all the time. The only thing that really angered me was they compared (F/n) to her.

She's nothing like Kayla...

Fletch starts to bark excitedly as we get to the dog park. There are a few other people with their dogs running around and playing. Fletch pulls on the leash and I unclip him. He takes off and runs in a huge circle.

I grin. If there's one thing that can take my mind away for a little bit, it's this guy right here.

I go and grab this stick that's laying on the ground and I throw it. Fletch goes and chases after it and brings it back to me, tail waving excitedly. I give him a pet behind the ear and he gives me a big doggy grin.

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