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Chase's P.O.V

I come down the stairs and see Andrea in a light blue fuzzy housecoat holding a white mug steaming with coffee. Mom is at the sink washing a few things. I rub the sleep out of my eyes, "Good morning," I stretch.

"Good morning!" Andrea buzzes.

I go over to the coffee pot and pour myself a cup. I look over to mom, "Where's Dad and Jeff?"

"At the garage looking at the cars," she rolls her eyes, "men stuff."

I smirk, "I assume you and Andrea are going shopping then? Girl stuff?"

She gives me a look and I put my hands up in defense.

"Actually," she drones, "I think Andrea would like to go and check out the town and see what's changed. Maybe you can give her a tour?"

I blink and chew my bottom lip. I shrug, "Sure" and take a sip of my drink.

"Woohoo! I'll go get dressed! Breakfast?" Andrea hops off the bar stool and points at me in question.

I nod. "Yeah we can get something."

She smiles at me and then races up stairs to get ready.

I take another long swig of my coffee and then set it down on the marble countertop. I click my tongue and then sit down on one of the stools, clasping my hands together and looking at mom.

She catches my stare and wipes her hands on the towel, "What's up?"

"Why are you doing this?"

"Doing what?"

"You know what."

"Look, you and Andrea were good friends and she's excited to see you. I just thought that it would be nice for you two to hang out and go show her around or something."

So maybe it wasn't on purpose.

"I had plans, you know."

"Then take her somewhere else."

"No. I mean... Plans with (F/n)."


"Oh." I say back.

"I'm sorry hun, I didn't know that you were bringing her or anything and heck, I didn't know the Thompson's were coming in until late yesterday. It was a surprise for all of us."

I sigh, "I know. I just..."

I can't find the words. What was I going to do exactly?

"Just try to have a good time," Mom says.

"I mean, yeah I still will. It's just a bit awkward now with us both all grown up and stuff. I'm not really sure what to even talk about or say to her."

"It'll come naturally after a bit. It's probably just your nerves from seeing her and the championship race this Sunday. Trust me, I was all nerves too when me and your dad were in this stage."

I arch an eyebrow, "What do you mean? You think we like each other like that?"

She shrugs, "You two would be cute together."

I shake my head, "I think this is where I got my... cluelessness from," I stand up and blink a few times, realizing a pattern here when it comes to understanding my own and other's feelings.

"What does that mean?"

I chuckle, "Never mind. I'm going to get ready."

"Put on the good cologne!" mom hollers as I make my way up the steps.

Chasing Cars |Chase Elliott x Reader|Where stories live. Discover now