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I pull into the parking lot of Hendrick Motorsports headquarters. Some of the usual cars are here already but I do spy Chase's truck already here. That's surprising as he can't ever be on time for the life of him. My stomach flips and I suddenly get a little nervous realizing I haven't actually seen him since the night of the banquet.

Where I kissed him on the cheek...

It's okay though. He hasn't mentioned it and neither have I. So I can do this.

I slide out of my car and grab my antler headband and put it on my head. I walk through the doors and I'm greeted by Macy who sits at the front desk where there's a little Christmas tree in the corner with some sparkly garland. "Hey (F/n)!"

"Hi Macy! They have you working before the party?"

"Ah just small things and sorting some files. Nothing too extraordinary. Just finished up too!"

"Well good. I'm looking forward to that chocolate pie you said you were making!"

"I've got a few big ones so I hope you've got room!"

"I always have room" I pat my stomach and work my way through the big hall.

I get to the show room and I see a few of our cars on display. Well, not mine but it's in the works. I see Chase walk around from the corner where our huge trophy display case is and he stops when he sees me.

"Oh there you are! I saw your truck and didn't know you knew what being early somewhere meant."

He grins, "there's a reason I got here early," and he walks over to me.

His hair is slicked back and wavy as usual and he's got this green, red, and white sweater with a Christmas tree on it and is covered in colorful lights. He's got black pants and some tennis shoes on as well. His jaw moves up and down slightly as I realize he's chewing gum. I also note he smells different than usual. It sort of reminds me of those scented pine ones that come around at this time of year.

"And why's that?" I smirk. "Must be really important. Unless you're sneaking food before everyone else gets here..." I say skeptically.

"Missed opportunity!" He gives me a fake disappointed look. "I got here early to help set up."

"Well look at you mister handy man! I can't wait to see it."

He shrugs, "It's alright I guess. Good thing they aren't entering in some kind of light decoration contest..." he scratches the back of his head and raises his eyebrows.

"I'm sure you did fine. It's only a small party for like one day. We're all here for the gifts and food anyways," I wave him off.

"Ouch. I was here mainly to see you."

My face flushes a bit but I playfully bat my eyelashes, "well that's just an added bonus I guess."

He chuckles then runs his hand through his hair and looks down at the floor, an awkward pause between us. His head pops up and he raises his eyebrows, his dark brown eyes lighting up, "I like your outfit by the way."

I blink and then gesture to myself, "Thanks, I'm determined to beat Alex in his little contest."

He smirks, "I don't think you'll win."

My eyes widen, "why not?!"

He turns his head to the side and then glances at me and his smirk grows, "Can't say."

"Can't or won't?" I put my hands on my hips.

"Both. Ever looked at what all we have set up here?" He gestures to the showroom.

Chasing Cars |Chase Elliott x Reader|Where stories live. Discover now