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"Shit, shit, shit!" I quickly slide my black and neon blue fire suit on. I rush and throw my shoes on and tie my hair back. I look around, exasperated, before darting out of my motor coach.

I'm sprinting at this point as I run through the gates and weave my way through the crowd of people. My lungs sting a little bit as I suck in air. Man, I haven't done this since... geeze I don't know how long it's been.

But they are minutes away from starting driver introductions and I'm about to miss it.

What put me in this position is the fact that I left the track to get some food. Like a dummy, I somehow forgot that this was the biggest race of the season and it would be backed up with traffic. And I say that with sarcasm.

So, I haul ass, trying not to plow anyone over, as I work my way to the stage where they have us all come out. I see the Chevrolet trucks lined up and ready.

I turn a corner and I see the end of the line. I grab the zipper to my fire suit and start to zip it up as I now slow down into a jog as I try to find Chase since I qualified tenth, right behind him.

I see his blue and white Napa fire suit and he turns and raises his eyebrows with a smirk as I come to a stop behind him. I lean over and brace my hands on my knees, as I gulp in air. "Whew..."

I can hear him laugh, "Cutting it a little close aren't we?"

I look up, strands of my hair falling in front of my face so I take my hair tie out and brush it back. "We don't talk about this."

I stand and smooth back my hair. I hope I don't look too winded... I hear a whistle and turn behind me to see Alex waving at me from in the seventh position, "Look who finally made it!"

I bat my eyelashes and dramatically fling my hair back with a little shrug, "fashionably late! Taking too many notes from Chase," I wink at him.

I can see him playfully roll his eyes even as they hide behind is usual black shades.

I hear a boom as fireworks set off and the line shifts forward, starting the introductions. "I'm glad I made it. It would've been unbelievably embarrassing to be late to this..." I mumble as put my hands on my hips.

"Yeah that'd have been pretty awkward," Chase jokes as he stuffs his hands in his fire suit pockets, "everyone cheering and you're not even there."

We move up again, "I'd have made up for it when I cross the finish line in first!"

"I don't care what you say, but nothing tops your finish here from the first race last year. That was pretty impressive."

"True. Takes real talent to spin out and still get second as a wave of cars going almost two hundred miles per hour are charging toward you."

"Did they have to hire someone to clean the seat afterwards or...?" He grins and I swat his arm.

"No they did not, thank you very much!"

We get up the steps and Chase is announced. The crowd goes wild as he walks out and waves to everyone. The announcer calls my name and I'm greeted with the same result.

I wouldn't trade this for anything.


After all the ceremonies it's time to get it done. I tie my hair back and put my ear pieces in. I slide into my forty eight car and strap myself in, finishing with my helmet and gloves. Cliff gives me a last minute pep talk and slaps the roof of the car before he heads to the top of the pit box.

We both are feeling good about today's race. I showed good practice laps and did decent for qualifying. We plan to stay ahead of the track and just take it easy towards the back. Just like every year... we want to avoid the big wreck bound to happen at some point. If I can gather a top five finish I'll be happy because we've got a pretty good car.

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