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You could feel your hands soak in sweat through your gloves as the death grip on your steering wheel tightens.

Just breathe (F/n).

You focus on the blue bumper in front of you and let out a slow breath to relax. You come off of turn four and hear the thundering of cars as you jolt forward, green flag waving in the air.

The nose of your Camaro locks with the back of the nine and you both go sailing forward, pushing in front of Harvick. "Keep that momentum! Don't back off!" Cliff calls over the radio.

"The eighteen now is pushing the four. Right side." Your spotter says after Cliff.

With two laps down, leaving only six to go, your car starts to back away from Chase, and you get a mirror full of Kyle Busch. He just passed Kevin Harvick for third and is closing the gap quickly. "What's wrong (F/n)?" Cliff radios in.

"I don't know my car just suddenly can't stay with Chase. Maybe he doesn't want me to help? I can feel it loosing momentum..."

Your spotter chimes in with "No his spotter just told me he wants you to stay with him here and not sure why you backed off."

Right then you hear a popping noise. You press on the gas more to keep the car from loosing any more ground as you feel something is wrong.

"Something just popped. Sounded like it's up front with the engine" you tell Cliff.

"We have four laps to go just keep the pedal to the floor and keep the eighteen behind you. Don't worry about fuel, we have just enough."

You feel your car lurch forward as Kyle hits your rear bumper.


The heat really hits you and you start to dial in your focus. You slam the pedal to the ground completely and pull away from the eighteen.

Three to go.

You get another thump from behind and you feel your car slide up a bit. The popping noise goes off again and the car jerks, slowing you down.

You turn the wheel, pointing the nose down, letting off the gas but then slamming it back down. And you come door to door with the eighteen.

"Get going, get going, get going," Your spotter hollers.

Kyle tries to push you up the race track, but you hold your ground. He hits your door and you feel your tires rub together.

Two to go.

Kyle pulls ahead, but you get to his rear quarter panel to take some of the air from him, now pulling you ahead. Chase has dropped back a bit since he's had no drafting help. You see Harvick coming up quick behind you as you fight for the position.

"I am not wrecking out of this race on the last lap" you grit your teeth and holler to yourself.

As you pass the white flag signaling the final lap of the race, you turn through turns one and two and go down the back straightaway. Kyle gets to your door again, trying to slide you back up the race track, but once again you keep the wheel straight and push him back down.

"Come on, send it (F/n)" Cliff hollers over the radio.

You barely get through turn three, now coming up on four. The car picks up as you start to get the draft from Chase back, now locking bumpers and getting away from the eighteen.

You hear the crowd go wild as the checkered flag goes up as you get out of turn four. Now flying behind Chase down the front strip.

Your heart drops into your stomach as you hear a loud pop and a bang as your rear end slides out and you get a nice view of the pit boxes.

You're sideways.

Kyle is fading behind you with smoke pouring out of his front end.

Harvick is gone somewhere behind him.

The next car you see, as you're now pointed backwards, seeing an oncoming rush of cars going way to fast for your liking in the current situation, is

You spin back around and see the 9 ahead of you, having crossed the finish line. Cars now swerving around you as you spin and roll downwards to a stop.

You rest your head on the steering wheel for a moment and hear the roaring crowd.

Hands shaking, you lower the net and slowly begin to climb out of the car. Removing your helmet, you look to the side and see Kyle, Kevin, and two others in a small pile. They have already gotten out and the safety team already at their side.

Chase comes back down and does a magnificent burn out, celebrating his victory. The crowd goes nuts and the screens replay him crossing over the line. It flashes to you getting turned by Kyle and crossing over the finish line sideways.

Your heart stops.

"Chase Elliott is your winner! And believe it or not, we have an absolutely amazing runner up finish from our rookie (F/n)!"

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