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"Stay up front for me please. If anything keep your eyes open there bud."

"Trust me, it's hard to close them going two hundred miles and hour and cars are wiggling around you."

I hear Alan chuckle then say, "coming to the green in two more laps."

We restart and sure enough, only five laps in and there's another caution. This time, looks like Truex Jr. ran up into the wall and tore up his rear.

We finish the rather eventful stage two, and enter stage three.

At thirty laps to go, I hear a loud bang followed by the sound of crunching sheet metal. I watch as the smoke flies up behind me, and see the field wrecking.

"Here she is!" my spotter says, "all behind you, clear."

Through the smoke I see Kevin Harvick's car poke out, unscathed, and is followed by others.

(F/n) included.

I give a small sigh of relief seeing that she made it through. She looked so calm and ready today, I think I'd hate it more for her if she didn't finish well, or not finish at all.

"You should hear her on the radio Chase. She's going nuts. She's going on to Cliff about how the twelve was pushing her, but suddenly took a hard right into the wall, getting her loose, so she barely made it out." Alan says laughing, "he just told me about it after I asked what happened."

"I know she's going to give him hell for that one later," I grin.

I can see it now, first words out of her mouth when she sees him will probably be along the lines of "you moron!" In the way that she does.

Turns out that wreck took out a lot of the field, leaving us with just about twenty eight cars.

We have about twenty laps to go, and I'm lined up on the outside, behind Hamlin, beside Austin Dillon. Behind me is Logano. So really no friends right now...

"Forty eight says be ready to go. No questions asked. From (F/n) specifically to you," Alan says.

"When and what?" I reply.

A moment passes, "Just says be ready. I'm assuming they're going to break away when they can and go for it within the closing laps."

"I can't make any promises, but okay."

It's a chaotic start. People are jumping out and pushing each other hard. Denny gets loose, but fixes it, so now our lane has lost momentum to the bottom.

"Forty eight coming up," My spotter calls through the radio.

I see in the mirror that (F/n) leaves the top and pushes the gap in the bottom lane closer together. I hope this is what she's talking about because I turn my wheel and hop down in front of her. She aggressively locks to my bumper and we start to tug forward.

In the mirror again I see her start to slide down. She can't really think a third lane will work well with ten laps to go, can she?

I hesitate for a second but follow her lead and we make our own third lane. She knocks on my bumper again, so I push the pedal down and we work our way up. I get to the quarter panel of the last car on the dominating bottom lane, trying to take the air away.

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