thirty seven

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"Are they coming?" Niall's voice whispers in my earpiece while I look at him across the room.

"Yeah, they're walking just around the corner," Louis replies.

My back is pressed against the wall, listening to the faint footsteps along the wooden floor in the museum. We're hiding behind two walls on either side of the hallway where the guards can't see us.

Niall and I were chosen to steal the painting from the museum while Liam and Louis stay in the car where they have their little monitor and see us in the screen. They've managed to turn off the security cameras which is a major advantage for us.

"I'll check this side. We're closing in a bit and there shouldn't be anyone back here," one guard says, dangerously near to where we're standing.

His footsteps approach the hallway we're in, I already see his shadow increasing the farther he walks. I look at Niall and he seems to be aware of the situation, he nods at me. I can hear my own breathing behind the ski-mask, barely able to see anything though through these tiny holes.

Then his body enters our hallway, stepping a few steps in before halting. We are hidden in the shadows of the wall, and he doesn't notice us at first. But for one of us to kill him he'd have to turn into the other direction first, so Niall makes a small noise with his foot to catch his attention.

The guard turns to him, already tugging the gun from his waistband when he sees the masked guy in front of him. I immediately creep up behind him and in a quick motion, snap his head to the side to break his neck.

The dead body falls to the ground with a loud thud. Niall and I instantly look at each other, realising that it shouldn't have been that loud. We chose the silent killing method for a reason, only to have our victim ruin everything with the fall.

"Greg? Did you hear that sound?" The other guard calls from the other room.

This guy must be Greg and the other guard will soon arrive. I grab the feet and drag the body out of the sight and farther to the side of the wall where it can't be seen.

A few seconds later, the second guard comes stumbling into the hallway, taking not as long to notice us. He stares at me through the black fabric covering my face.

"Sir, you can't be⎯"

He's like frozen, his eyes not staring at me but rather through me. It's not until a few seconds later that his body falls to the ground and Niall appears with a bloody knife in his hand. The guy is bleeding from his neck, causing a crimson puddle to stain the carpet.

"Dead as fuck," Niall speaks humorously.

"Hurry boys, you have about twenty minutes before the other guards come," Liam tells us through the earpiece.

"Shit, shit, shit," I mumble to myself and kneel down on the floor and start taking off the guard's uniform.

Niall is doing the same with the other one, which isn't that easy as it always looks in movies. I peel off my own clothes and instead put on the uniform. It uncomfortable as fuck and I haven't been wearing it for more than a minute.

Once I've adjusted the gloves, I wait for Niall to be done to so we can start this together. That fucker is taking forever but I can't leave him behind because we shouldn't be separated in case the guards catch one of us.

"Are you done?" I check the time on my phone, we still have ten minutes.

"Yeah let's go." He walks off in the guard's uniform, acting as confident as a guard can be.

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