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We land in Miami in the middle of the night because we took the flight on Friday evening. It was quite the surprise to find out that the boys have a private jet which we took. I was sleeping for most of the flight, and I tell myself that I did it in order not to talk to the boys. I can't ignore them forever though, but I wanted to at least have some peace on the flight.

It's barely midnight when we arrive in Miami and other than in Philadelphia, it's still warm down here even at this time. Wearing long sweatpants and a hoodie wasn't the best idea, considering that I'm now sweating my ass off. Liam is checking in for us, only getting the key card to our room since they have already been booked online, I think.

"Here's your card, Alison." Liam's voice snaps me back to reality before I fall asleep while standing there. He hands me a key cart and I take it gratefully, reading the number to my room.


The elevator seems much cozier than the one at my office building in Philadelphia. It even has soft music playing in the background, barely noticable.

Walking down the comfortable carpet floor in the corridor with my suitcase, I check every door I pass which number it's got. The card to my room is in the other hand, the numbers on the doors increasing and I slowly approach my own room. When I finally reach my own hotel room, I slide my card along the key card reader. A green light shines up and I'm able to push the door open.

I sigh in relief when I enter the room and the cold air of the room hits my hot skin. The room looks amazing, bigger than I expected. There's a king-sized bed in the middle of the room, little things like a TV and fridge or a bathroom are attached. The curtains are pulled close with a table placed in front of them.

My suitcase lays on the floor in front of my bed and I change into shorter clothes before I check out the luxurious bathroom. The floor and the sink are made of marble, making me fascinated by the way it's so expensive. I do the things I do every night, taking out my contact lenses and swtiching them with my black glasses, and briefly brushing my teeth.

My first night in this marvelous bed.

I cuddle myself into the soft, yet cold duvet, perfect for the contrast to the warmth of my skin. I close my eyes and force myself to sleep.

The headache I was experiencing yesterday had surprisingly decreased and I don't feel anything anymore. The thought of actually having been drugged still lingers in the back of my head and even though I can't quite realise it yet, I want to know who the horrible person is.

I wake up to frantic knocking on a door. The realisation doesn't hit me immediately until I realise that someone is knocking on my door. A whine of protest leaves my dehydrated mouth and I twist around under the soft duvet. The morning sun is hitting me right in the eye and my hands rub my puffy eyes in order to rid the tiredness.

At some point I have to get up and answer the person behind the door. I drag my exhausted body out of the bed and reach for my glasses before I stumble towards the door.

"Good morning, sweetheart." Niall grins from ear to ear, not matching my early-morning mood.

"Morning." I offer him a tired smile. I lazily push my hair behind my ear in attempt to move it out of my face.

"You're not a morning person, I see," He laughs and I really can't make out why he's in such a good mood. "Did the bed not let you off?"

"No," I chuckle. "What time is it?"

"Oh, right," He nods to himself as if he just remembered something again. "It's 10:30, and I came to pick you up for breakfast. I wouldn't mind if you wore this by the way." He motions to the little clothes I'm wearing; small shorts and just a random top.

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