seventy five

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part two of the double update. make sure you've read chapter 74 first.



I still carry that polaroid in the back pocket of my pants. Not that I'm wearing the same pair every day, but I always make sure to have the little picture with me at all times.

I miss those simple times so much. Thinking back to it, nothing was simple back then. I was trying to wrap everything under one blanket: the Mafia and my sunshine. It was challenging and desponding, and it didn't even work out in the end.

It's already evening here, back in Philadelphia. The streets are busy and lit up with the street lights along the sidewalks. I miss nothing about this, all I ever remember is the pain and the horrors of having lived here for the past five years of my life.

We enter the underground car park of our building, anxiety building up within my veins. My palms rub together as sweat glides down my skin. What if she's not even here? What if we're too late.

"Hey. Dude. Calm down. We're here now, aren't we?" Niall touches my shoulder, giving it a squeeze.

I nod, not having the energy to bomb him with the worries which are living rent free in my mind.

I get out of the car when it's not fully parked yet and run towards the elevator.

"Hey! Don't we want to make a plan or something?" Liam yells after me.

"I'll go look in Ricci's office! And tell the others when you find something suspicious. We still don't know if this is a trap after all!" I yell before disappearing inside of the elevator.

My shaky finger presses the same button over and over again until the doors slide closed. I'm pacing in the small space, harshly breathing while trying to calm down. I can't have a panic attack because of this. An ache forms in my chest as I fist my shirt and focus on my breathing.

I've already lost her but what if I lose her for good? I'm such a pessimistic person and only think about the worst that could happen. I'll be the happiest man alive if we make it out of here, but I need to be prepared. I fucking need to get my emotions ready to deal with the consequences.

It won't be the last time that the boys will see me cry.

"Fuck," I whisper to myself, closing my eyes.

The doors slide open and I collect myself, standing calmly when a random person enters the elevator. At the same time, Jaxon exits a room and glances at me.

"Hey Harry, how's your girl doing? Last time I saw her, she looked like she was willing to suck my dick to get her free." He shrugs casually.

And I fucking lose it. Storming out of the elevator to get to him, my blood is boiling in the fists that I clench.

"Shut the fuck up, you piece of shit!" I knock him across the jaw with my fist. Good thing I'm wearing rings today.

He stumbles back a few steps but finds his balance.

"You're not gonna fucking look at her again, got it?" I grab the collar of his shirt and pin him against the wall. Scrunching up his nose with blood smeared across his face, he glares at me. "Do you fucking understand?" I yell.

He stays quiet, looking like he's extremely mad at me for whatever reason. Maybe because I knocked him across the face.

I notice his fist coming up to punch me, but I catch it with my own hand. I push his arm back before pushing him to the ground.

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