fifty two

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made a new cover for this book!!
hope you like it, i like it a lot

my babies are always so horny in the morning


I woke up in his arms.

My daily alarm woke up the both of us. I was pressed into his chest while our legs were tangled beneath the duvet. The familiar scent of vanilla lingers on his clothes which I so desperately want to fall back asleep to. I snuggle my face harder into his body and his arms around me tighten.

The snooze button went off a few times but we kept falling asleep right after.

My fingertips tingle along his arm, tracing tiny lines of ink on his skin. I love the contrast of our hands laying next to each other⎯ one is innocently naked, the other one is coated with beautiful paintings. Our fingers fit together like puzzle pieces falling into place.

His palm roams my back, stroking my skin under the shirt. He gently rubs my spine, my eyes flutter shut with comfort. I hum in appreciation to his gentle movements feeling so relaxing and wonderful.

He continues doing that when he discovers that I like it. I hum every now and then and a gentle chuckle would fall from his lips, the closest sound to hearing his voice this morning.

Him rubbing my back eventually led to me kissing his neck. I nibble lazily on the skin, still too tired to make a greater effort. My fingers wander up his side, sneaking beneath the shirt to feel his soft skin. I draw my thumb along the outlines of his abs, his muscles tense in response to my touch.

He sighs faintly as an encouragement to my actions. My lips move more confidently and I part my mouth to leave wet kisses against his neck. I swing my knees to either side of his hips as I hover above him laying defeated on the bed.

Since he has to avoid putting pressure on his shoulder, I'll be the one to pleasure him today. I add a few hickeys to the collection on his skin which is still visible from the other day. He'd moan in the back of his throat and trail his hands along my thighs before they set on my ass.

Eventually, we're both starting to breathe heavily, my skin warming with anticipation. I tug on the hem of his shirt and he helps me pull it over his head. His bare chest is rising up and down to heavy breaths, shining with moisture.

My lips latch onto his chest, leaving confident open-mouth kisses along his skin. He squeezes my ass and I already feel his hard dick against me. The movements hesitate for a bit when I think about where this is leading. Without doubt do I want to suck his dick, but I feel a little nervous since it's the first time for us.

I sit up on his hips and adjust my position a bit, scooting farther back. My ass bumps into something hard which causes Harry to let out a low groan, I freeze immediately.

Beautiful sound.

"Look what you've done, baby," he rasps, lazily smirking at me. "Wanna finish what you've started?"

"You want me to?" I bite down on my bottom lip.

"I'd fucking beg you for it," he snickers.

I smile softly and climb off of him to sit between his spread legs. My hands touch his knees before sliding along his thighs until I reach the waistband of his grey sweatpants. The hard bulge is visible through the material and I gulp at the size of it. I knew he was packing but not that much.

I keep my eyes on him when my fingers hook into the waistband of both his sweatpants and underwear. He doesn't seem half as nervous as I do and a smile arises on his lips. I return the smile and proceed to roll down the material.

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