forty eight

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the time has come and it's the first smut chapter yay (it's been a long 47 chapters) ngl I'm kinda scared to upload this since idk if the smut is good, but it's fun writing it so..

whoever reads this, i love you

and please enjoy this chapter !!

"Why exactly are we doing this?" I ask, leaning against the doorway to his room while Harry's changing into his normal workout clothes which consist of basketball shorts and a shirt.

Before we drove to his apartment, I quickly changed into my own gym clothes since he suggested I should wear those.

"I want you to know how to defend yourself," he reasons, checking his phone while he runs a gentle hand through his hair.

"In what way?" I question more specifically.

"For example, when a Blake decides to put his hands on you, you know what to do in order to get out of this situation without having to use the good ol' kicking the family jewels move," he murmurs, and I arch an eyebrow. "C'mon, if someone knows how to survive, it's me."

"Alright alright, I'm kinda excited anyway, not gonna lie," I smile a bit, looking down at the ground, too shy to see his grin.

"I knew you were," he teases and walks with me to his front door.

He opens the door and we walk outside, my hands curling inside the sleeves of my jacket. I braided my hair earlier and I could tell while I did it, Harry was fascinated by the simple hair style.

"You look good in those," he suddenly whispers when he comes up to me from behind and gives my ass a gentle smack.

I jump a bit and feel the flush return to my cheeks, his lips pressing to the skin beneath my ear.

"Hey," I chuckle, hopelessly trying to be mad and spin around to see a rather amused Harry.

"I couldn't resist, your ass looks fucking amazing," he justifies.

"Well, thanks," I smile innocently and we continue our way to the elevator.

I lean against the wall while we wait and Harry's standing in front of me, one hand in his pocket, the other one holding the phone. This feels an oddly lot like deja vu. I'm convinced we've found ourselves in the same position before, but with a different nature between us.

I smile at the thought of him being so unaware about it as we enter the elevator and he clicks a button.

"Don't tell me we're staying in this building." I shake my head in disbelief.

"We are," he chuckles, putting his phone into his pocket. "We really do have a lot of things here, I can show you around later," he suggests.

"Really?" I arch a brow.

"Really," he confirms but frowns, not getting why I'm so surprised about it.

"I don't think I'm allowed to explore the building." I bite my lip, still unsure whether it was a good idea to bring it up or not.

He frowns deeper. "You aren't, and the fact that we're now closer to each other doesn't change that," he immediately shoots back, but I don't take it personal. He's just trying to stay out of trouble. "But it's alright when you're with me."

"Why?" I watch the little screen with numbers of the floors as they fly up.

"It's dangerous, babe," he smiles. "So don't you worry your pretty little mind, sunshine."

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