fifty eight

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hi, I'm baaaaack!!
the chapter is longer than I intended, I hope you enjoy!


He's standing on the other side of the room, staring at me with the kind of eyes which I used to adore. Now, they make me sick, just looking at them.

I never thought we'd end up this way. I poured my heart out to him, but he dropped it like glass, only to have it shatter into a million pieces. And what's the thing with broken glass? Correct, you can't put it back together.

"From the very first moment I met you, I knew I'd hurt you eventually," he speaks with his arms crossed, showing no sign of empathy upon his mischievous face.

"Then why did you come close to me? Do you think it's fun to play with my feelings!" I raise my voice in defense, knowing no other way to get him to listen to me.

"Maybe I do," he snaps, raising his voice as well. "Just fucking know that I never felt the same way from the start!"

His words make everything in me halt. I never wanted to acknowledge it; I've always avoided the knowing lack of his feelings. But now, it's like a slap into my face to hear him say it out loud.

"You made me think you felt the same way! You let me fall for your sweet smile, and you knew it, but you only watched as I walked into my own grave!" I throw my hands into the air in despair while I felt the tears pool at the corner of my eyes.

"I'm not who you thought I was."

"Don't you think I already know that?" I bite down on my bottom lip to contain the tears. It's no use⎯ if he hadn't already noticed my glassy eyes, then he would've known by my trembling lip. "I⎯ I thought I could trust you."

He snickers with his spiteful smirk, bringing a teardrop to roll down my cheek. "How could you possibly be that naive?"

"You were leading me on!" I spit.

"I admit I only wanted to fuck you. I probably did some things that made it easier for me, but it's not my fucking problem that you fell for it!" With each word passing, another tear falls from my eyes. "You mean nothing to me!"

"You're a fucking liar! How can you say that? Was that your plan from the start? To fuck me and leave me?" I sob, seeming so weak and vulnerable in front of him since I'm the only one showing emotion. I feel humiliated now that he discovers how much he truly meant to me. "How can you say I meant nothing? I don't believe you! You're cruel!"

"I guess this is a lesson in not trusting people, right?" he jokes cockily, not at all bothered by my emotions.

My head drops into my palms to collect my tears but mainly to force myself to stop. I hate crying. I hate that this affects me so much. I hate that he doesn't feel the same way. I hate him.

"I can't believe I trusted you." I shake my head, silently crying to myself. "You were lying this entire time!"

"So fucking what! Nothing's gonna change it now!" He glares at me from across the room, sending daggers through his eyes.

"I can't even look at you! Look what you did to me; you ruined me!" I cry. Feeling too pathetic to let him see the tears on my face, I look down and wipe my cheeks clean.

"You're being fucking dramatic right now," he chuckles, running a hand through his messy hair. I loved touching his hair. "This can't possibly affect you that hard."

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