
1.9K 45 11

tw! violence,blood



"Check if he's not dead yet, Louis," I say casually while wiping my bloody dagger over a towel to clean.

The man named Christian is sitting unconsciously on a chair, legs and hands tied together with no chance of escaping. His head is hung low, fallen into unconsciousness because of the violence we've put him through. Blood is dripping from his face along his body and it wouldn't surprise me if he were dead. It wouldn't be beneficial though.

"Shallow breathing but alive," He clears up.

I swing the dagger around in a playful manner, eager to use it. My slow steps bring me to the spot in front of the chair. I stare down at the body. He's too weak to take our orders, therefore in an almost lifeless condition. It's almost pathetic having to watch him beg for an escape.

A slap across the face is all it takes to knock him back into consciousness.

His head snaps up in a matter of seconds because of the harsh smack. My eyes watch him closely as he's taking notice of his surroundings, realising how he's still tied up. Personally, that's hilarious.

"No, please, let me go, I'm innocent!" He pleads for his life, wiggling his arms and legs around, in hope to escape.

I chuckle. "We hear that every day, it's getting kinda boring."

I've never seen a weaker man in my life. It makes me realise how it doesn't take more than holding a knife to someone's throat and they're becoming the biggest crybaby.

"What do you want from m-"

"Shut up!" I silence him, snapping the dagger up to bring it closely to his neck. The tip of the dagger touches the skin just under his chin, making him tilt his head back in reflex.

He's silent now, doesn't give so much as a beep.

"Got a few questions for you, can't do that when you're acting like this, can we?" I smirk lightly. I hate it when people disobey, that means I have to punish them and then they won't be able to respond again. It's all just fucking impossible.

He's whimpering like a little girl, I'm only waiting for him to start crying. His eyes are closed, overwhelmed with me staring him down. I glance at Liam, Niall and Louis slouched back against the couch on the side of the room. They have mixed opinions whether I should just kill him or not.

"Who else is working with you in this business?"

I press the blade harsher against his chin to make him look at me. He hesitantly opens his eyes, shivering under the cold touch of the dagger.

"N-no one."

The next fist connects with his nose in a rapid movement. His head jolts back with a low groan of pain. When he slowly tilts his head forward, blood runs down his nose, staining his mouth and dripping down his chin. His bloody teeth are poking through the gap between his parted lips.

"You won't get an answer out of him," Liam states the obvious like I didn't already know.

"Please," He whimpers. "I can't tell you anythin-"

I grip his throat in my hand and make him shut up. People like him are too much to handle but it's still too soon to kill him. I need answers.

"You talk when I say so," I warn. "Can I cut his tongue off already?"

"Not yet," Niall mumbles, not looking up from his phone.

"Hmm.." I hum to myself in thought of what to do next.

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