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I'm making my way out of bed with much reluctance, just like I do every monday. The weekend helped me to relax and also calm down from the incidences that happened with Harry. The cut is healing slowly and also the cut on my finger is slowly fading. I can't wait for the wounds to finally vanish so that I won't have to think about the causes again.

I take a quick shower before I get ready. I take the upper section of my hair and pull them lazily into the hairtie in order to get the hair ouf of my face. The glasses are soon removed and replaced by my contact lenses which I wear every day on work days. For once I have no stress at all because I woke up a bit too early.

I'm feeling superb today and have a good feeling about work today. The two days off really helped me to clear my head and get away from the weird environment at work. That doesn't mean that it won't happen again but now I'm aware that I have to be more careful.

It takes me by surprise when I realise that I'm ten minutes early as I enter the doors to the building. Being early is better than being later after all. A few unfamiliar people are chilling in the entry hall but I decide to go straight to my office, considering that I have my own comfortable couch there.

"Good morning, Liv," I greet the receptionist with a kind smile.

She glances at me before recognising me and smiling. "Good morning." She returns to her computer and I head straight to the elevators. "Oh, Alison, can you do me a favor?" She calls me again and I turn around.

"Of course," I nod as I approach the reception desk.

She fumbles around on the desk which is hidden behind the tall counter top I'm standing behind. She pushes her big glasses back up when they slid down a bit from her tilting her head down.

She puts an envelope on the counter top in front of me. "Can you bring this to Mr. Styles' office?"

I swallow but nod slowly. One way to ruin a day that has yet to start. I can't say No anyways so I guess I have no choice but to bring this to him.

"Sure I can." I force a smile.

"That would be amazing, thank you," She grins gratefully. She doesn't notice my discomfort but I hide it very well, and stride with the envelope in one hand to the elevators.

I arrive at the floor with my but also Harry's office. Instead of just getting to my own, I walk past my door and extend the way by going one doorway further and to Harry's. It's still quiet and I wonder if he's already here. I can't make up my mind if he's the type to be over-punctual or the type to be there just in time.

The question is answered when his door suddenly bursts open but out walks anyone but Harry himself. I take a step back out of reflex as I watch a brown haired girl exit his room with a rather irritated expression on her face.

"Fuck you, Harry," She spits. She glances at me standing there so innocently and sends me a dirty look but hell do I know what she could be thinking about.

"When will you understand I don't give a shit about your favourite colour?" Harry calls back from inside the room in a mocking manner.

The girl only huffs and continues to increase distance between us. I watch her as her high ponytail swinging from left to right. I roll my eyes and can already imagine how annoying she must be.

I softly knock on his door before I push the door open and step in. Harry's standing there in the middle of the room, just zipping up his jeans and doing his belt. If I had come in here a minute earlier, I would've seen his dick. The thought makes me sick.

Damn, it's only nine a.m. and he already had someone give him head. This guy knows how to start his days. He realises I'm standing there and snaps his head to me with a glare, still blindly doing his belt.

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