forty nine

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As Harry promised, he still offered to show me around a bit which I gladly accepted. There's a reason why I'm not allowed on certain floors which is probably for the better, but my curious self can't resist the opportunity.

"Where do you wanna go first?" He asks as we enter the elevator, ready to click the button to the specific floor.

"I don't know, surprise me." I shrug. I also have to shower later, I'm sure he wouldn't mind me showering at his apartment.

"You wanna see the place where I let my anger out?" He glances at me and presses the button to the twenty-fifth floor.

I remember that number too well.

I shrink into the wall behind me, subconsciously reacting to the memories I associate with that specific floor. I don't want to be reminded of that day, I know Harry has changed a lot since then. It feels like so long ago and there's no reason to feel as anxious as I'm doing right now.

My eyes travel to him casually standing with his hands in his pockets in the middle of the elevator. I wonder if he remembers it too. He hasn't shown any signs of sorrow yet. He wouldn't forget something like that, right?

My feet tap quietly against the hard floor, my gaze fixated on his shoes.

"It's good that you let it all out, y'know? It's not healthy to keep your emotions inside," I speak, intending to distract myself a bit.

If only I was sticking to the same advices I was telling other people.

He turns around to face me, eyes meeting mine with a rather amused look. "And you?"

I keep my mouth shut, deciding not to lie but also don't say anything about it. Due to my lack of response, the side of his lips twitches into a smile. I should've known he could read the answer off of my expression.

"Thought so." The doors slide open and I catch him arch his brows right before he leaves the elevator.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I frown, rushing up to him.

"You're just too predictable. I don't get tricked by your permanent smile." He shoots me a look and all of a sudden I feel judged. Of course he knew. Why can he read me perfectly? "You just never let me see your darkness."

"You're not exactly an open book either," I smile a little. And yet again, I'm building up a guard to not let his words affect me too much.

He chuckles softly in response and throws an arm around my shoulder to lead me across the room. The distraction definitely helped and I forgot where we were for a moment. He's leading me to a door which leads to another room, I assume.

I let my head press into his side looking down at our feet, but Harry doesn't say anything or he just doesn't notice. Then why do I want him to notice so bad, but I don't want to say anything either?

"We can take a quick look inside," he suggests as he unlocks the door with a key and opens the door.

His words make me lift my eyes from the ground and we enter the little room, Harry turns on the light. This looks a lot like a shooting room⎯ I've seen one like this in movies. On the other end is a target and then there's this table-thing from where one would shoot the gun.

"I can imagine you doing this," I murmur more to myself than to him and wipe my fingertips across the table.

"Yeah?" He frowns with slight scepticism in his eyes as his lips form a soft smile.

"Mhm," I confirm. "Would you ever show me how to use a gun?" I turn around, my ass leaning against the edge of the table with my arms crossed.

"Never," he responds bluntly.

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