sixty nine

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smut on the 69th chapter, i wish i could say that was planned


"In your kitchen?" I smirk, placing my hands behind me on the counter to lean on.

"Sex doesn't always have to be in a bed, you know?" He rubs my thighs.

"I figured, but you obviously know more about this than I do." I link my ankles behind his back, intending to push his hips into mine.

"That doesn't matter," he rejects, shaking his head. "I only want to try different places with you, I think that's more fun than the bed. But I'm perfectly fine with the bedroom too."

I purse my lips studying his face to read his expression. We didn't even do it in my bed when we had sex for the first time, we did it on my living room floor⎯ which was amazingly fun too. So I'm sure Harry knows what he's doing when he wants to do it in his kitchen.

"Take off my dress, please." I clench my thighs against his hips, flashing him my big eyes.

"You're okay with it?" He smirks, his fingers reaching the back of my dress to find the zipper.


He smashes our lips together and fiddles with the zipper before he drags it all the way down. My arms wrap around his shoulders, one hand disappears into his hair as I cling onto him. He drags the dress down my body and forces me to lift my hips to get it over my ass. Our lips haven't left each other during the process.

The piece of clothing falls in a puddle to the floor. His palms wander up my naked torso and soon discover that I'm not wearing a bra. I whimper into the kiss as my skin shudders from his cold touch on my breasts. He cups them in his large hands and I already melt when he starts kneading them.

Drawing back, his fingers stay on my body while his eyes travel all over my features. "I just wanna rip those panties off of you."

"Only if you take your clothes off too," I insist. He's still wearing all of his clothes while I'm in my underwear, freezing on the cold counter top. "Strip. Now."

"Are you trying to seduce me, baby?" I catch a glimpse of his smirk before he pulls the shirt over his head, revealing his toned and muscular torso.

"Well, I guess so." I hook my fingers into his belt and force him closer. "You really turn me on," I whisper, staring up at him.

"I wish I could complain." Two fingers touch my chin and tilt my head up. His lips inch closer, just hovering above mine to feel the hint of touch against my mouth. "But, I don't want anyone else but you."

Before he can catch me blushing, I kiss him again, and more hungrily this time. We're breathing heavily through our noses as we breathe each other in and study each other with our hands. I trace each line between his abs with my thumb and remember each time his muscles would tense.

"You're hot," he murmurs against my mouth before he urges his lips down my jaw. I chuckle lazily, moving my palms down his biceps.

"How much do you want me?" I breathe, tilting my head back when he kisses my throat.

One arm is wrapped around my lower back, the other hand has a firm grip on my thigh against his hip. His tongue licks my skin before he sucks on my neck to leave generous marks.

"I want you so bad," he replies and moves farther down to kiss my chest.

I gasp a moan when he wraps his lips around my nipple and swirls his tongue over it. My eyes flutter shut to the sensual feeling and I pull his hair in a rhythm to my moans. I'm convinced he already knows how to touch my body to make me feel good. His hands sit above my ribcage, holding my body steady in his palms.

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