twenty nine

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My head begins to spin when I think about what happened just a few seconds ago. I let Harry give me a hickey right after we argued, without any reason or warning. It was my own fault that I didn't push him away, but I somehow didn't want to. He was being so delicate and gentle, and a part of me craved his touch.

I joined Louis in the kitchen right after I left Harry's room, silently praying that it's not going to be awkward. He's too lost in his world to even notice me standing there, quietly humming to himself while he proceeds to put the eggs on each plate.

His mind is absent while he's minding his own business and the sight makes me giggle. His head snaps to me in a startle and he suddenly drops the spatula and it hits the floor with a loud thud.

"Alison, Jesus Christ!" He yelps, holding his hand on his chest as he calms down. I can't help but laugh, shutting my eyes as I let my head fall back.

"I didn't mean to scare you," I chuckle, crouching down to pick up the spatula.

"How long have you been standing there?"

"A minute." I smile and grab the plates, casually walking over to the dining table.

"Well, took you long enough to come back," He scoffs, joining me on the table. "I was about to think you two escaped out of the window."

I spread the avocado on my toast and top it with sprouts. "No, I think you were just too busy to realize I'm back." As much as I don't want to lie to him, I feel like I have to. I don't want him to grow suspicion that something happened between Harry and me.

"Yeah? Then how come that hickey on your neck wasn't there before?"

I kick Louis foot beneath the table hard enough for him to yelp in pain.

Right then the door to Harry's bedroom opens and we both turn our heads to him as he's just leaving the room. "Stop cooking in my kitchen, dick."

"Alison was hungry," Louis defends.

"Hey, leave me out of this." I place a single slice of cucumber in the corner of the toast, just for the next bite.

It's quiet for the next few seconds while Harry's taking a seat across from Louis. I hate being the last person to speak before the conversation dies down; makes me feel like I said something stupid.

I'm a slow eater, so I still have my portion of scrambled eggs on my plate. I'm glad that he made breakfast for us because I wouldn't have survived the day without one. Harry spreads butter on his toast and tops it with crambled eggs and bacon. I don't want to tell him to eat vegetables, because I'm not his mom, but I few vitamins wouldn't hurt him.

"Weren't you supposed to meet Liam?" Harry asks Louis.

"Well, yeah, but I needed to bring Alison to you first." He grabs his glass of juice.

"And fuck you for staying here to make breakfast."

Harry seems pretty mad at Louis for staying here, but I could never be angry with someone for cooking me the most delicious breakfast. I can't think of a reason why he would want him gone. Then it would've been just the two of us. Did he really think I would have had sex with him, if Louis hadn't been here?

The thought makes my blood boil. I don't want him to think of me as a desperate little girl who'd fuck the guy who's only been cruel to her.

I clenched my fork too hard trying to pick up the scrambled eggs and scraped the plate instead, making all of our ears bleed due to the ugly noise.

"Alison, what the hell," Louis complains.

Harry stares at me as if he was able to read my thoughts.

"Sorry, Louis," I grumble, but can't stop glaring at Harry.

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