twenty three

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The boys and I are supposed to set off in exactly thirty minutes in order to drive to the bank, steal a couple million bucks and hopefully escape without the cops catching us. Bank robberies are always the most fun out of the crimes that we commit. I'm always searching for the adrenaline of having to run from the cops, that always pleases me.

Earlier I was in Alison's office where she showed me the note that she received with an envelope. I didn't think much of it but obviously the innocent girl was losing her mind over what it could possibly mean. I couldn't bear her anxiety anymore and had to leave the room.

So here I am, fucking a random chick on my office table.

I can't really remember what her name was; Emily or Amelia, I'm not sure. It's good to meet random people who are up for a quick fuck but too often these chicks think this is about something more. Hate it when they get clingy and attached.

I keep a steady grip on her hips while pounding my cock into her, receiving soft moans from her parted lips which only encourage me to go harder. My fingertips dig into her skin, surely going to leave marks but who am I to care. I sink into her with a deep moan, pulling out again and pushing right in with the same amount of force.

Her noises sound more like gasps every time I rock into her, feeling my tip hit a spot which makes me weak. Though I gotta admit, even during sex is her voice extremely annoying. She has that high-pitched tone to her voice which makes me just want to get this over with. I pinch my eyes shut rather out of annoyance than of pleasure.

"Fuck," I groan in the back of my throat, finding an even rhythm of my hips swaying forth to meet hers at every thrust.

The only thing I like about her is the blonde hair which barely reaches to her breasts. It's delicate and soft, making me want to run my fingers through the strands laying sprawled out on the table around her. Alison has similar hair and maybe that's why I like it so much. She sometimes even puts effort into her hairstyles which makes her look oddly cute.

Oh my fucking god. I'm not thinking about Alison while I'm fucking another chick. What the fuck.

The realisation makes me groan and I fuck her harder into the table. I'm breathing heavily through my parted lips and sweat is forming on my skin as a result for my work. Without any warning, she lets out an ear-piercing scream and I feel her fingernails scratch into the skin down my back. Maybe I'm fucking her a little too hard but I always say; it's not a good fuck if it isn't rough.

"I⎯ I'm gonna cum," She informs me weakly.

One extra harsh thrust sets her over the edge. My name leaves her lips in a scream when she reaches her orgasm, her legs shaking uncontrollably. I pick up pace, seeking for my own orgasm which I can feel already build up. Her chest is rising up and down while she's panting, having to bear my thrusts a little longer.

I press my fingers around her throat when I finally feel my own high. Three irregular thrusts cause me to groan in the back of my throat as I pinch my eyes shut, my muscles tensing for a moment before everything relaxes within me. I twitch and release into the condom, feeling some kind of joy because it's finally over.

With a heavy sigh, I pull out of her and take off the condom, tying a knot to the end so none of the contents can escape. I tuck my cock into my underwear and jeans, and proceed to button up my shirt.

"So, when will I see you again?" A small smile is on her lips as she bites the side of her bottom lip, trying to seduce me but I'm not persuaded that easily. She's already wearing her dress again.

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