twenty one

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My feet carry me out of my office, forced by my hungry stomach to go eat lunch now. I'm not the only person who had that in mind when I hear a door close and I snap my head to the source of the sound. Harry is just leaving his own office, a package clutched under his arm and a phone held to his other ear. I stand against my closed door when he passes me and doesn't so much as look at me.

It's the first day back at the office for both Harry and me. The flight back was rather quiet and we haven't exchanged more than twenty words. I'm not sure if he's still mad at me for the incident in his hotel room and he doesn't look like he would apologize any time soon. I'm mad at him, but for some reason he seems even more mad at me.

I follow in a distance behind him since we both have to get to the elevators. He's standing inside the small room facing me, not even thinking about holding the doors for me. The doors are sliding close when he finally looks at me and a smirk creeps over his face.

The unexpected act catches me off guard but I quickly brush it off when I get to the second elevator. I walk into the cafeteria and after I get my food, my eyes scan the massive room in order to find any familiar faces to sit with. June is sitting at a desk with other people I don't know, but since I always sit with her, I head over there.

Just then a hand wraps around my forearm, holding me back from walking any further. I tilt my head down to look at Niall, sitting at the table with Louis and Liam. A wave of relief fills my body from the hand being Niall's and not some random guy's.

"Sit with us, sweetheart," He offers with a cheeky grin.

"I was going to sit with June," I mumble in protest but am already pulled down to sit next to him. I lift my legs over the bench to sit correctly, no chance of escaping anyway.

"Who cares? September is weird," Niall gags. His elbows are propped on the table and he's looking through the room as if he were looking right at June on the other side.

"She's nice, that doesn't make her weird," I defend her and have my eyes on my food, poking with my fork in the potatoes. I feel a little flattered by the way he doesn't like June but willingly wants to hang out with me.

"No, she's just weird," He scoffs and takes the fork into his mouth. I giggle unintentionally even though there's no reason to. Niall snaps his head to me with a little smirk and I immediately shut my mouth.

"How was your little vacation with Harry?" Louis changes the topic. Not that it's the start of a better conversation, since I wouldn't know what he means. It was accidental that I missed the flight and had to accompany Harry to pick up the package.

"Well," I shrug. "it was nice," I mutter under my breath, obvious that I didn't exactly enjoy it.

"It wasn't going well, I assume?" Niall laughs but not even surprised by my answer. What did they even expect? Harry and I haven't got along in the first place.

"No?" I scoff and roll my eyes childishly. I grab my glass of water and drink, suddenly in a much grumpier mood because the events from yesterday returned to my mind.

"It can't be that bad, can it? Harry was only supposed to pick up a package, don't tell me he did anything stupid." Louis snickers, joining Niall with the jokes.

I shake my head and set the glass down. "If you consider stealing a cop car as normal then no, he didn't do anything stupid," I mutter. Niall starts to laugh but I continue. "How do you even know that I missed the flight?" I ask, glancing around the group when everyone is suddenly silent.

"You didn't show up when we were supposed to head off." Liam is first to answer. "Harry didn't either but we knew that he needed to stay longer."

"And no one bothered about waking me up?" I chuckle in disbelief. I just have to accept that those were not the best days of my life and I'm glad that they're finally over.

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