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My eyes flicker, and the first thing I feel is my head pounding like shit. I groan quietly and turn to the other side, my back facing the large window with the first sunlight peeking through the curtain. My body is tangled up in the duvet, comfortably laying in the soft bed of my hotel room.

It feels good to lay in a safe bed after what happened yesterday. After all, I'm lying in a bed now, but I don't remember getting here. My eyes shoot open, and suddenly panic washes through my whole body. I sit up in an instant, glancing around the room to make sure this is, in fact, my room. Which it is. I lift the duvet to check what I'm wearing, but the clothes from yesterday are still on my body.

I drag myself out of bed, wanting to set off and find the others. Thinking that I probably smell like shit, I quickly shower and then change into another pair of shorts and a shirt. I don't forget to take a pill with a glass of water. I leave my hotel room and rush down the hallway in the direction of the elevator.

"I didn't know this was going to happen. I thought we did a good job and not letting anyone track our location." I hear Harry's voice from around the corner. I halt in my tracks and try not to make any noises when I slowly move to the wall.

"Ricci didn't want us to kill anyone yesterday, right? Because if we killed him, which we did, his backup group would've come for us, which they did. It was all just a stupid move." The second voice is Niall's.

Spying on the boys isn't something that I'm unfamiliar with, and I feel guilty for doing it without their knowledge. However, I know that I will get information which they would've never told me in the first place.

"I should've just knocked him unconscious," Harry chuckles.

"That was our original plan," Niall jokes along as if it isn't actually so bad that they just killed a guy.

My back is pressed against a wall in the hallway, right at the edge from where the boys are right around the corner. I can't make out how close their are, but by the volume of their voices, they can't be that far.

"Where were you, by the way?" Harry asks now, "When the guys started to show up?"

"I don't know where Louis and Liam were, but I immediately tried to tackle them down. Do you know something about Alison? She must've died of fear," He laughs, but I can't even deny the words. If I hadn't been carried away, I would've died a few moments later, maybe because Harry would've yelled at me for not moving.

I start to remember how I was in the club, standing with Harry when suddenly the first gunshots sounded in the place. That was one of the most horrific moments I've experienced in a while. My whole body was paralyzed in fear until I was grasped by one of the strangers.

"Oh, nothing," He denies, "She was fine, I took her back to the hotel."

I furrow my eyebrows at the memory of being captured by the man, which means I was not, in fact, fine. It's news to me that he took me back to the hotel, so I hope at least that was correct. That was honestly the most believable information since I found myself in my own hotel room when I knew that Harry was the last person I remember before everything went black.

"I mean...it could've hit her worse. Imagine if they knew she was there, she would've been in danger," Niall mumbles, so why would Harry lie to him?

"Right, but we're not here to protect her," He snaps. "I wasn't fond of the idea of her coming to Miami in the first place."

"At least try and prevent her from getting killed," Niall jokes lightheartedly with a small chuckle. I wonder how long they've been in the mafia for them to act this casual about killing someone. I haven't thought once about being in danger when hanging out with them. Maybe I should consider it, though.

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